
Friday, June 28, 2013

Hydrangeas are in the House!

Our Hydrangeas are finally in bloom!  Woohoo!

We live in a bit of a valley, with lots of trees, so our bushes bloom a little later than our neighbors.  I've been suffering a severe case of Hydrangea-envy. 
I was even thinking of sneaking into their yards in the dark of night armed with pruning scissors.
I can read the headlines now:  "Hydrangea Heist Hits Homes" 
Luckily, before I could start my life of crime, ours bloomed and I popped those beauties into vases throughout the house.

And now it's officially summertime.

We have blue ones, and right next to them white ones--which I don't get since the acid in the soil determines their color, and you wouldn't think the acid wouldn't change much in such a small area.  But I know nothing about soil. 

We also have the pink lace cap variety.

For the mantel I kept it simple with just my layered mirrors, an architectural element, a little nest with a moonstone egg, and a couple of bud vases with the pink Hydrangeas.

I also bought a couple of new summer décor pieces.

I love bringing in garden elements into the house this time of year, and I love the faux stone artichoke next to the old door.  I got it at Home Goods.

I also bought these votive holders on sale at Michaels.  They remind me of the ocean.

I brought some shells I already had into the rooms, and some lighter pillows as well, which I'll show you sometime when my house is cleaner. :)  That's one thing that's great about showing vignettes -- the rest of the house can be a disaster area!

But the main thing I like to have in the house in the summer is flowers.  When it's hot, humid and miserable outside, they help create an atmosphere of serenity and coolness inside.

And my favorite flower is the Hydrangea!  What's yours?

Sharing at:

French Country Cottage: Feathered Nest Friday
My Romantic Home: Show & Tell Friday
Coastal Charm: Nifty Thrifty Tuesday


  1. I love hydrangeas too, but my favorite flower is roses ... though you already knew that. :)

    The white hydrangea is probably a different variety that's meant to be white. One that I really like is Annabelle. My Annabelle is blooming in our yard right now, along with the mophead and lacecap hydrangeas in the shade garden.

  2. I've never heard of pink lace . That is so pretty

  3. I would have to agree with you. I love hydrangeas too and they are probably one of my favorites also. I can relate to your "hydrangea heist" and had to giggle about that!! I have been eyeing some beautiful deep magenta hydrangeas in a neighborhood near me. I have some beautiful blue hydrangeas at my house and recently also purchased some of the Endless Summer Hydrangeas that I hope to get planted soon. Your home is beautiful. Enjoyed the finds that you shared! Stop over sometimes and visit!

  4. Love your summer look, Deborah. My very favorite flower is the winter pansy . . . gotta’ love whatever is blooming now . . . all the colors : white, orange, red, yellow and blue are all finding their way into the house.


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