
Monday, June 24, 2013

What's In at Mr. P's

I've sold some big pieces, moved in some big pieces, and brought in some new small items, so I thought I'd show you Mr. P's Emporium's latest incarnation.  There's a good mix of rustic and refined right now.

I brought in this buffet/sideboard I blogged about here.

Other large pieces include this two-toned dresser:

And this buffet and hutch.

There are frames ....

And more frames.

Ironstone platters:

Primitive boxes, including the red one on the bottom, the cool lidded beer crate in the middle ...
and this fruit basket on the top.


Lots of side and accent tables:


A little console:


A bunch of "smalls,"


Including this hand-carved glove box.

And it doesn't get much more primitive and rustic than this.  I picked this up on my shopping trip in Richmond with Connie from Hartwood Roses.  My husband thinks I'm absolutely nuts.


It's a little bench with the original paint and tin top.  I love the color and the patina of the paint.


Okay, so the top's a little rusty, but give it a break--this baby is over 70 years old. In fact this month is it's 76th birthday!


How do I know?

It's signed on the bottom.  I just fell in love with it.  Hopefully someone else thinks it's cool too and buys it.  Or do you all agree with my husband and think I'm crazy?  :-)
If you're local, Mr. P's Emporium is in the Homestore, 9720 Liberia Avenue in Manassas, VA.  Open 7 days a week, and there's lots of other cool stuff to check out too!


  1. your space looks fabulous, and i love that stool!!!

  2. Looks great Deb! Don't see the French desk, does that mean its sold?

  3. love the stool, husbands just don't understand sometimes : P


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