
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mr. P's & Life, Etc.

Summertime, and the living is ...

Well it sure ain't easy around here right now!

I feel like I've been running from one fire to the next this  week, and I'm sooooo looking forward to the long holiday weekend!

One of the things that has been on my mind is assessing the current state of Mr. P's Emporium.  If you read this blog you may remember last winter when I was trying to decide whether to, a) keep Mr. P's going, and b) move to a new location.


I didn't want to give up on Mr. P's, so I ended up moving to my current location in Manassas. That was definitely the right decision.  I made more in my first two months where I am now, (the Homestore, 9720 Liberia Ave., in Manassas in case you want to visit!) than I made in the entire six months I was at my last location! Plus, the owner of the antique mall has given me the opportunity to work one day a week in the store in exchange for my rent.  So that means I make more of a profit -- woohoo!
However, you definitely don't go into the vintage business to get rich--you do it because you love it.  (And in my case, because I didn't want to be called a hoarder!) Unforeseen issues such as a sick geriatric kitty and household calamities have made me decide I need to bring in a little extra. So I'm back freelancing, and just picked up a couple of projects that should take me through the summer. They are part-time and I can work remotely, so it's a perfect fit for right now.
But that leads me to my next big decision for Mr. P's: Whether to open a second location.  I have a great opportunity starting this August or September.
Can I handle sourcing, painting furniture, and merchandising for two locations, plus work 1-2 days a week in the store(s), plus continue freelancing?  Do I even want to do that?  Will this limit me for other opportunities that may come up down the road like shows or whatever?
So I'm pondering ...
In the meantime, let me wish you and your family and terrific Fourth of July!  Hope your summertime living is fun and easy this weekend!



  1. Lots of decisions! Is the owner the lady who is always behind the desk? She is so so sweet, whoever she is! My mom got some amazing jewelry there a few weeks ago and your booth looked great!

    1. Hi Lauren, Yes Won is the owner, and she's there almost all the time unless I or the other woman who is helping her am there. I'll be in the store on Wednesdays, so if you stop by on a Wednesday say hi -- I'd love to meet you!

  2. Talk about burning your candle at all THREE ends ... if candles had three ends, that is. I hope your Kitty is feeling okay.

  3. well i am in this business to get rich.... don't know what you are talking about. ;) ha ha!!! happiness and fulfillment are what life is about.

  4. Definitely not getting rich here! But we're working really hard and having lots of fun! And we meet the best people! ... Sounds like you have some decisions to make!

  5. Goodness you sound busy...I'm tired just reading this post!!! Hope you are well...come visit soon!

    janet xox
    The Empty Nest


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