
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Minty Fresh

I'm still fighting my cold, but I thought I'd check in and let you all know I'm alive!

Because of my cold I'm behind schedule, so I apologize for my quick, un-styled photos.  Not that I have much space to work with anything these days--what with my rooms stacked with furniture and all!

But I wanted to share my recent "minty" experience.

Between coughs and frequent rest periods, I had just finished these two pieces for the shop.

I used Ce Ce Caldwell's Kentucky Mint, a color I had bought for a two-toned effect on another piece,  for this project.

While the curved detail top drawer and the feet of this dresser are cute,  after painting it in CCC Vintage White, I decided it was boring and needed something to make it pop.  I didn't have any particularly interesting handles on hand, so I painted some brass ones I had in the mint and waxed them.  I think it gives the piece a nice, fresh look.

I thought a little accent table would look cute in the color as well, so I did the table while waiting for coats to dry on a dresser I was working on for the Lucketts Spring Market.

The next day I received an email from Better Homes and Gardens which mentioned Mint Green as a design trend. (See the video at the link.)

Who knew I was so on-trend? I just thought a fresh green seemed perfect for the spring!

All photos from BHG

Someone must be trying to tell me something, because not only did I get the BHG email, the next day I came across the vase at Goodwill.  While not exactly the same color as Kentucky Mint, it's another nice minty accent.

While these pieces are for the shop, I'm still working hard to finish up my stash for Lucketts.  I'm working on my last piece today, and I'm finished with the Lucketts pieces when it's done. 
Of course I still have to tag everything, pack it, schlep it to Lucketts, and set it up ... but at least I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel of my furniture prep!
Now I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the weather forecasters are wrong, and it won't rain over the weekend.  They're always wrong, right? 
Wishing you a good rest of the week --please think positive thoughts with me about sunny skies!


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