
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Countdown to Lucketts

Leave it to me to get sick the week before LuckettsNot what I needed after being gone for a week.

I picked up a dresser I found on Craigslist this morning, and was happily painting another one when the cold that I've felt coming on hit me full on in the chest.  I seem to always get sick after I take a plane.

My plan was to finish painting this week, which would give me next week to leisurely tag my pieces before move-in on Friday.  Well, best-laid plans and all that.

On top of freaking out about not having enough pieces ready for the Market, I sold a couple of big pieces from my booth (yay!), which leaves it a bit sparse so I need to come up with something for it as well (not yay!). 

Moving to my new location was definitely the right decision, but I hadn't counted on my pieces selling so quickly, so that means even more sourcing and painting. A good problem to have, but right now since I'm feeling crummy it's just another stressor.

Oh well. I read Miss Mustard Seed's post today--and even someone as experienced and productive as she is stresses out over Lucketts.  Of course she has mega booths to fill as opposed to my measly one, but it made me feel better!

I'll pull it together and get my pieces done.  And this year I have a lot of cool small items I'm excited about that I've picked up at auctions and estate sales.

I hope to have photos to show you on Friday or Monday, but if I don't you'll know that my cold has me down.  I need to take care of myself and get over it so I'll be ready for the big weekend!


  1. GET WELL SOON!!!! I have faith in you that it will all get done.


    P.S. Congrats on the all the sales:)

  2. Colds suck! I hope you get better soon! I've got two chairs to upholster and a buffet to paint then I'm done! I'm keeping my fingers crossed in open that the rain will be gone and that the field is not muddy! I'm getting excited though... looking forward to seeing you and all of your goodies!

  3. Drat! You always pull it off, Deborah. This time will be no different. Love the blue you have perfected. Take care . . .

  4. Love your blog! Where is your booth? Would love to see it! Sorry working on an account!


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