
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Last Piece for Lucketts

Of course, leave it to me to finish up the last piece for Lucketts the day before we have to pack and set-up for the sale!  Once again, my time management skills seem to leave a lot to be desired--especially since I still have to finish tagging everything!
But I thought I'd take a break and show you a quick before and after of this little cabinet.
I got it from another vendor who was closing out her business.  I know she got it at an auction, but where it was before that I have no idea.  From the crud that needed to be sanded and cleaned off, I'm guessing it was in a barn or old basement somewhere.
I painted it in ASCP Paris Grey and waxed it with Liberon Wax Polish.  This was the first time I've used this wax, and it goes on really smoothly.  Plus, I think it smells good!

I had to use the shellac trick because the wood bled through in some areas.  Do you know this trick?  Sometimes you'll get a red hue bleeding through the paint--usually from mahogany pieces from around the 30's for some reason.  Just give the area a coat of shellac and paint over it to take care of the problem.
I distressed the piece with a sand block, and because I didn't have time to get glass cut for the doors, put in some chicken wire.
I had to use new knobs as the original ones were broken.  They're from Hobby Lobby, and I think they're pretty cute.
Here's the before again ...
And the after.
A big difference!
Now  I have to finish tagging my small items and pack up for tomorrow.  We're picking up the UHaul bright and early!
Did I get everything done I planned to?  Nope.  Between going to Seattle, getting sick, and like I said--my time management probably isn't the best--I didn't get to any of the things I wanted to make for the sale.
And despite starting earlier this year, I think I have about the same amount of pieces as I did last year.  I didn't have my booth space last year, and some pieces that were slatted for Lucketts had to go there to replace items that sold. (Not that I'm complaining about selling things!)
But ready or not, here I come Lucketts!
If you are local you won't want to miss this sale.  And when you come, please stop by and see me!  I'll be near the back entrance (the one by the Design House--which will be open during the market!).  Between the first and second row to the left if you come in that way.
A couple of tips:  For best selection, come early on Saturday.  To get the best deals, Sunday is your day. Most vendors will mark their remaining items down or negotiate with you since they don't want to have to pack and take the items home.  Since it's been raining, the parking lot may be muddy so wear appropriate shoes.  In addition to 170 vendors, there will be food available and entertainment for when you want to take a break from shopping.
I'll try to post photos of the booth set-up tomorrow!
Sharing at:
Elizabeth & Co.: Be Inspired
French Country Cottage: Feathered Nest Friday
Miss Mustard Seed: Furniture Feature Friday


  1. This looks great!! I LOOVE the chicken wire and can't wait to incorporate it into a future project.

  2. This piece looks great and I love that you added the chicken wire. I hope you have an outstanding show and sell out!!! I so wish that I lived closer:(


  3. Looks good. I just bought some knobs at Hobby Lobby. There selection and prices are fantastic. Good luck at the show...Connie

  4. Just found you via MMS FFF that piece is amazing! It doesn't even look the same. Good luck this weekend!

  5. I will miss being there with you this weekend! No matter what you have finished for the show, you will do fine. Remember to relax and have fun.

  6. Ths turned out so cute! I think the chicken wire is what makes it so charming! I'm going to Lucketts so ill try and find you...fingers crossed the rain moves far at away!! Good luck:)

  7. I love this piece! Great job. I hope you do well at Lucketts!

  8. Oh pretty! Love the style, color and the addition of the chicken wire! ... I will definitely stop by and say hello on Sunday! Hope the weekend will be wildly successful for you!!!

  9. Lovely! Love, love, love the color. I will see you at the fair!

  10. We live near Lucketts, it is one of my favorite places to waist an afternoon! I always find something I can't do with out. Hope all goes well for you, maybe I will stop by to say Hi!


  11. Deborah, you have out done yourself ~ love this piece. Have fun!

  12. Love this project! Would love for you to share at Simple & Sweet Fridays. New Follower!

    Take Care,

  13. I love the finished results! I am sure you did not come home with this one, it looks gorgeous. Thank you for sharing at Redouxinteriors!


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