
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Whew! I Made It!

A little soggy.  Bone tired.  But all it all, none the worse for wear.  Lucketts 2013 is behind me.
Can I hear a hallelujah?
We set up on Friday, and once again I felt inadequate.  I tried to get more stuff ready for my booth, but between everything that's been going on for me the last month, I didn't have it as full as I would have liked.
Especially when I looked at my neighbor's booths:  To the one side I had Susan from Uniquely Yours ... Or Mine, who is one productive and talented lady.  Plus this year I was sharing my double space with Erin from Picked and Painted--who also turned out to be a furniture-painting fiend.  They both had tons of cool stuff.
However, I've got to say, when I looked around at other booths I thought mine was okay.  I just happened to be surrounded by over-achievers!  :-)
And by Sunday night I was glad that I didn't have much to pack up and move back.  Especially since I didn't have a contingency plan on where to put it!  It was nice to look into my living room and actually see it instead of a stack of furniture.
It rained Friday night, and threatened to rain all day Saturday.  Finally in the afternoon the skies let loose and we all had a mad dash of bringing in and covering our furniture.
Thank goodness all my furniture was waxed or finished with wipe-on poly though! I felt sorry for all the people who had upholstered pieces sitting out. 
Sunday dawned foggy, but no real rain thankfully.
I had a chance to shop around a bit, and came home with some goodies which I'll show you once I get them set up.  I loved looking at everyone's booths to see how they were merchandised.  There are a lot of talented people out there!  Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to take photos.
Sales weren't great because of the weather, but I'm happy with how it turned out for me.  All the work was worth it.
But you know what I'm really happy about?
It's over! 
Now I can get to all of the projects around my house I've been needing to do.
And the next big event for Mr. P's Emporium is moving into our bigger space at the Homestore.  I'll show you photos once everything gets settled!


  1. Sorry to hear about the rain...glad your items did okay. Your booth looked GREAT!!!


  2. I loved your booth and I totally overdid it! I can't believe you wrote a post already... I'm exhausted and sore and I still have to unload the truck... And find somewhere to put all of this stuff! We need to gather some friends and find a big BARN to sell all of our cool stuff! Thanks for being an awesome neighbor once again :)

  3. Bummer about the clouds and rain. It was good rose weather, but not as good for an antiques fair. I'm really bummed that I couldn't be there with you ... sounds like Erin was a great roommate for the weekend.

  4. you know i walked by your space and susan's yesterday and i didn't see either of you!!! i looked, too! maybe you were taking your own loop around at that point. everything looked amazing!!!

  5. Your booth looked beautiful Deborah! So glad you had a successful weekend in spite of the weather! And I loved having a chance to chat with you! ... Now take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back for a job well done and take a nap!

  6. I saw your booth too and thought it looked great and loved your stuff! I loved that it was cloudy and not hot but I know it was terribly frustrating for the vendors. I am supposed to do my first outside show/vintage market this Fall and am petrified. Would love to get some do's and don'ts from you. I am like you, I would love to make my canopy/tent really cute but don't want to have a ton of taking down to do when it's time to pack up. Glad you had a great time at Luckett's. :) xo

  7. Our stuff is great . . . oh, I wish we had something like that sale around here :)


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