
Monday, May 6, 2013

Azaleas Welcoming Me Home

First of all, thank-you to those of you who posted kind comments and sent me emails about my cousin.  It was a bittersweet visit, but I am so glad that I went.

I came home Saturday to find that our Azaleas had bloomed while I was gone.

I haven't had the time to clean out our beds (that and a hundred other things are on my list for after Lucketts), but the Azaleas draw your eyes away from the leaves and weeds!

I spent Sunday cleaning and getting the house in order--or at least as much order as can be expected when you have furniture stacked in your living room and dining room! 

But at least I got rid of the dog hair bunnies which were threatening to take over the house. 

Today it's back to painting!

Have a wonderful week!


  1. Your azaleas are gorgeous!! I especially love the singles ... and that white one is definitely my favorite.

  2. Deborah, these are just gorgeous. So glad you came home to pretty bright flowers. :)

  3. Thank you for this post! Every year I would ask my mother the name of my plant. Azaleas!!! I had forgotten what it is called and I no longer have my mother around to ask. and once again I couldn't remember the name. Mine is blooming also (a purple one) and it is Beautiful. Yours are amazing. Thank you!


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