
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Valentine's Mantel

Hey there!  How is the week going for you?
I've  been busy clearing, cleaning, and organizing my basement so I can paint down there again instead of the dining room. (Then we can use the dining room for something really different, like ... I don't know ... maybe actually eating in there?)
I did take a break to do a little decorating though.  I changed out our mantel decor to a Valentine Day theme.
(As an aside, every time I take a mantel photo it makes me realize how much I dislike the ugly brick, heavy wood mantel, and dated brass surround.  I've been planning on painting the brick for ages, but I keep putting it off because it just seemed like such a major undertaking.  However, I recently saw a project on another blog--which name I can't remember, if it's you let me know--where she painted the brick with chalk paint.  It looks great!  After I'm ready for Lucketts you know what my next big project is going to be!) 
Since I went with a "more is more" approach on my last mantel decoration, I decided to keep this one a bit more simple.
I hung my heart wreath above the two layered mirrors, and bought some fresh Baby's Breath.
I kept the topiaries from the last design, and added some of my milkglass bud vases to a couple of the white candles.
A few romantic looking boxes, some vintage-looking pink bottles ...
And my favorite vintage cranberry glass bud vase.
More white candles and a white orchid on the hearth to complete the look.
I'm thinking it looks quite romantic.
Hopefully my husband will get the hint and pink roses and chocolates will be in my future! 


  1. It looks pretty! I just read a blog about painting the brass black with paint you use for BBQ's etc. that can withstand heat!!! The before and after was great! I want to do that too. I love brick, natural and painted!!

  2. Great, Deborah, my week is going great and from the look of your mantle and hearth so is yours. Very romantic!!!

  3. So very soft and pretty! Happy (almost) Valentine's Day!


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