
Monday, February 11, 2013

Auctions, Snowshoeing & Stuff

Happy Monday!
Sorry I didn't get a post up on Friday as usual.  I went off with a group of girlfriends for a fun weekend winter get-away in West Virginia.  Snow activities, board games, charades, lots of good food--and of course a glass of wine or two in the evening--were all involved!
That's me, the snowshoeing queen (lol), on the left.
Some of us went cross-country skiing, and some of us went snowshoeing.  I tried snowshoeing for the first time.
For those of you who haven't tried it, basically you strap plastic boards with spikes on your feet (I was expecting the tennis racquet-looking things you see in old movies!).  Then you're able to tramp across the snow without sinking into it. After that, all you have to do is tramp, try not to trip over your snowshoed feet, look at the scenery, and chat--my kind of sport!
Earlier in the week I went to an auction.  This is only the third auction I've ever been to, and I'm still getting into my groove.
One thing I've learned is if I'm not bidding--sit on my hands! 
Yep. I'm a hand-talker.  These things float around all over the place when I'm talking to someone, and I don't even realize it.
Not a good thing at an auction.
I ran into the woman who runs the antique mall I am moving into at the auction, and was having a great time talking to her.  Until I realized they thought I was bidding on a group of chairs!  Luckily I was outbid!
Another problem is I have to learn to walk away from something I really want.  For instance, I knew how much I was willing to pay for this French desk in order to make a decent profit when I sell it. 

I knew how pretty I could make it.
And I really, really wanted it.
Well, so did someone else, so we got into a bidding contest. I went $50 above the very tippy-top level I was originally willing to stretch to.

But she's mine.  And she may look a little sad right now, but she's going to be a beauty!
She has now joined the pieces in my dining room that are waiting to be painted.  Everything there should be moving down to the basement this week, and I'll start some power painting to get ready for my new space.  I'm picking up a Craigslist table this afternoon, and with that and what I have left in my current booth, I should have enough to fill the space.
But then I have to find more pieces for the Lucketts Spring Market.  Which means more Craigslist-cruising, thrift store-hunting, and auction-attending.
And if I don't stop flying my hands around at those auctions, who knows what I'm going to end up showing you??!!
Have a great week!


  1. sounds like a fabulous weekend! and i LOVE that desk and can't wait to see what you do!

  2. Gasp ~ the French desk is to die for. I love auctions. They are addictive when you have a shop. Once I bid a dollar on a box of ratty paperbacks just because the auctioneer couldn’t raise a bid. On the bottom I found not one but three coffee table books in pristine condition. You must be in good shape if you are not complaining of sore legs. I tried snow shoes once and couldn’t walk without wincing for days. Have a wonder filled week, Deborah.

  3. That is a fabulous desk! Take it to Lucketts and you will make plenty on it to cover your costs! I wish I had found it for sure! - Susan

  4. Great looking desk you have here.



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