
Friday, February 1, 2013

Just a Quick Update

Happy Friday!

I don't know about you, but I'm glad this week is over! 

Yesterday the planets must have been out of alignment or something, because one thing after another got messed up.  Ever have one of those days?

Among other things, I mucked up the project I was planning on telling you about today, but hopefully I'll be able to salvage it over the weekend and show it to you next week.

Today I stayed away from the paint brushes and went out to the shop to give my notice.  Yes, I finally made up my mind on where to relocate Mr. P's Emporium!  Thanks to all of you who gave me advice and encouragement!

I decided to go with the location that's closer to my home, and less expensive--and I'm feeling good about the decision.  My space is actually right in the window, so anyone passing by will see my pieces. It's also right across from the cash desk. Great visibility! I'll be moving in on March 1st.
I also hope to consign some pieces at the beautiful new place out by Lucketts (my other choice) to see how they move.  Who knows what will happen down the road? 
But for now I'm focusing on getting pieces ready for my new space, which is quite a bit larger than what I have now, and also getting started on pieces for the Lucketts Market in May.  Plus, I'm about to launch a new website for my marketing business.
Hopefully everything will go much more smoothly than they did yesterday!
Have a great weekend!  It's going to be a cold one here in the DC metro area!


  1. Just so you know ... sometimes we (your readers) learn more when you share mistakes and short-falls. AND it's good to get it out of your system, venting a bit if necessary. Where's the fun in seeing wonderful stuff all the time ... we want drama, Deborah! Come on!! (love ya)

  2. Oh I'm planning on showing you -- I'm just hoping I can show you how I salvaged it and not a disaster piece! And if I can't salvage it, trust me, you'll hear plenty of venting! :-) Stay tuned!

  3. I so wish I lived close by to shop in your booth! Good luck! Bad days help us appreciate the good ones that much more..... that is what I try to tell myself! Mary

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