
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm a putzer.
I can't help myself.
Of course I've added some things to my Valentine's mantel--it's what I do!
So while I'm sending you my best Valentine's wishes, I thought I'd share some of the additions.
A little collage ...

Some hearts and cards I made ...

And a vintage postcard copy.

All to add a little more Valentine spirit.

Which I hope you have in abundance today!
Wishing you love and laughter, and sending you a big THANK-YOU for reading my blog!
Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day, Deborah.

  2. Your mantle certainly has the Valentine's spirit. I love to see what other's have done for the holiday. I didn't get much done at all, but I still enjoy seeing what others share.


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