
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Eye Candy

I'm getting that urge again.
You know.  That urge to change things up and redo a room.  Specifically, our family room.
But it's not like I don't have enough things on my plate right now. I mean, between moving Mr. P's to the new location and getting ready for the Lucketts Spring Market, I have projects up the wazoo.
So for now I'm just thinking about the things I'd like to do to the room.  And after Lucketts maybe I'll make a change or two. 
But in the meantime, I thought I'd treat myself to some eye candy and dream. 
Want to join me?
Country Living
I'm drawn to neutral and white rooms. You probably figured that out with my Living Room Refresh.
I just find them calming.
Country Living
Romantic Homes
But that's not to say I don't like a pop of color with the whites and creams.
Sometimes pale and muted.

Country Living
Sometimes bright.
My color choices are usually blues and greens.
Maybe because I love the ocean.
But sometimes I'll surprise myself by being drawn to something totally different.
So who knows what I'll decide to do to the family room?
But at least for now, my color choices are limited to the furniture I'm painting!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Now you've got me dreaming of changing up a room! - Sus

  2. Great inspiration! So what are you thinking of doing?Oh this time of the year always brings change doesn't it.I guess it's cabin fever LOL!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Deborah, you read my mind this weekend. Middle of February and March still to go I see eye candy everywhere. Your living room looks like a magazine spread. Your family room redo is going to be beautiful too. The only way I’ll have a “safe” weekend is to stay out of the shops. Really enjoyed touring with you today.

  4. Lovely photos Deborah. But photo number 7 was quite a surprise! That pine linen press in the photo? That is exaactly like mine, even down to the two small drawers over two wide drawers, with the dark drawer knobs. (I wonder if they keep their tv inside theirs too!) I've never seen one like this, so thanks for the treat. I purchased this 21 years ago when I lived in Seattle, from an English dealer, and it as been in my living room in VA 18 years. I would love to 'redo' a few rooms, as you say, but I don't have your energy! But I am picking out paint colors for my guest bedroom!

  5. White painted homes really makes me feel lifted and nothing can compare that.
    Black walls looks dramatic to me but white makes me jump in the clouds of heaven.


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