
Friday, October 26, 2012

Why I Love Thrift Shops

You know I have the bargain-hunting habit.  Craigslist ... Yard Sales .... HomeGoods ... I love 'em all.  But there's nothing like a thrift store for cheap vintage finds.

And I found a great score this week! I collect vintage white pottery, mainly vases, and mainly McCoy.  I originally had a couple of pieces, then I saw Martha Stewart's collection in one her magazines in the early '90s and got inspired.  I got so inspired, I've had to stop picking up pieces -- at least until I get my built-in bookshelves built and have more space for them!

But I couldn't pass this up when I saw it at Goodwill during one my recent treasure hunts.

It's a marked, mid-century Brush McCoy swan planter/vase in perfect condition.

No chips.  No cracks.

I'm not usually an animal vase person, but I love the graceful lines of this beauty.  It's a collectible piece, with a book value of $40-$50.  You can find them online, but I've never come across one "in person." 

When I went to check after I found it, the prices I found online were less than the book value, but of course you have to factor in shipping.  I saw a couple on Ebay with "Buy it Now" prices of $29  and $44.99 respectably. They both had paint on the swan's beak and feet. 


Mine doesn't look like it ever had paint.  I don't know if that affects the value -- but I like its all white, classic look much better.

It will add a different element to my display once I have the complete collection back out again, and I love its versatility. It can be used for flowers, a plant -- or even to hold ornaments in a holiday vignette.

But I gotta show you what I love the best about it ...

Cue the happy dance!!!

Sharing at:
Coastal Charm: Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays
French Country Cottage:  Feathered Nest Friday
No Minimalist Here: Open House Party
The Shabby Nest: Frugal Friday
Elizabeth & Co.: Be Inspired



  1. Great buy on a nice piece! I have this same style swan, except it's Lenox. It was a wedding gift and mine holds the silk flowers that were on top of our wedding cake ... it was the 80s, what can I say. :)

  2. You can't beat thrift stores. I always feel giddy and guilty, like a robbed the place, when I leave with my finds. It's just so much fun. I'm not usually a swan person but I do think this one is very pretty and fun!

  3. I love thrift stores too! You just never know what's out there waiting for you. Great find!


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