
Friday, October 19, 2012

Sitting Pretty

I thought I'd share this little chair makeover I did this week.  The chair had been my mother's. 

She picked it up at a garage sale years and years ago with the intention of refinishing it.  She never got around to it, and just used it as an occasional chair or if she needed extra seating around the dining room table.

I inherited it, and had the same intentions -- and with the same results!  I just haven't gotten around to doing anything with it, and never really use it.

It's a nice little chair though, with what I think is the original caning in great shape.  The spots mainly looked like water spots and wear and tear.

I decided it was time to give the sweet little chair a new life.  And since it seemed to me it was crying out to be pretty again, I chose a pretty Annie Sloan chalk paint called "Provence" to do the job. 

I hadn't used this color before and am now in love!  If a color can be yummy I think this one qualifies.

I didn't need to sand or anything -- this was a quick and easy redo.  After painting, I did a light distressing. 

I thought it was a tad bright, so I used a light touch of AS dark wax.  I let the chair sit for a couple of days while I was debating, but then I saw Susan from Uniquely Yours or Mine use dark wax on a frame she painted in the same color, and I was convinced.

I can't wait to try something else in this color!

And here's another redo I wanted to quickly share.  I never officially showed you the before and after of this hall/sofa table.

Here's the before -- I had just started sanding some areas where the finish was chipped.  The table is solid wood, but not vintage.  It was a Craigslist find.

I painted it in "Coco" and gave it a light distressing ...

then stenciled it with my Paris stencil.  I finished the top with a wipe-on poly finish for durability. It's the same treatment I used on this table, which was the first thing I sold at the Luckett's Spring Market this year. I was hoping to have the same luck at Mr. P's!

Here it is at Mr. P's Emporium's space.  The little chair is there as well now.

Speaking of Mr. P's, this weekend will be the start of our third week open.  We've sold a lot of "smalls," but no furniture yet.  I'm concerned it's not the right location for my style of furniture.  But I also have to remember we've only been open a little over two weeks ...  I've never been a particularly patient person about things like this! 

In the meantime I'm posting ads on Craigslist, and I just added some new home decor items.  If you'd like to see them I've posted photos on Mr. P's Facebook page.  And if you haven't liked Mr. P's page, I'd love it if you would!  :-)

Have a great weekend!

Sharing at:
Redoux: Link Party 
Elizabeth & Co: Be Inspired
Miss Mustard Seed: Furniture Friday
2805: Potpourri Friday


  1. I really like the table!!

    Keep up with the smalls ... they will pay your rent while you build a reputation with furniture.

  2. Hi, Deborah

    I LOVE the chair! Love the color too!


  3. Deborah,

    I Love the table too! I really need to try these two colors. Love!


  4. Provence is such a pretty color and perfect for your chair. And that table is just beautiful!


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