
Sunday, October 28, 2012


The winds are picking up, and we're getting ready for Hurricane Sandy, or "Frankenstorm" as it's being called. Right now the forecast is the main force of the storm will miss Northern Virginia, where we live, but we will get high winds lasting for a couple of days.

We've bought gas for the generator in case we lose power, and stocked up on dog  and cat food and other supplies.  So as long as the trees cooperate, we're all set.  We can't afford to send our tree guy back on another vacation!

My main concern right now is I have one sick dog who is also storm-phobic, as is one of our other dogs.  The sick one doesn't need any stress (he has IBS) and I don't want the other one to have a nervous breakdown!

My thoughts are with those of you who are dealing with the hurricane's aftermath as it passed by, and those on the  east coast who will be hit hard in the days to come. 

Keep safe!



  1. Keeping good thoughts for you and yours. This monster is so widespread. I keep watching my blog roll and finding more and more of you in it’s path. I know you are doing all the right things to keep your critters stress free. Hunker down, stay safe . . . all the good words I can think of coming your way.

  2. I pray you and your family are safe and the dogs stay calm. Just talked to my son in Silver Spring, MD and they are prepared for the storm. Thank you for a great blog. Peace, Nancy Carr, Vieques, Puerto Rico

  3. Poor sweet puppies. Here's hoping that all of you (and your trees) come through this in one piece.

  4. OMG! I have a dog with storm issues as well... You guys stay safe too!

  5. May God Bless you and keep you safe from harm ---- thank you for being such good parents to the doggies and kitty(s) - hope they fare well. I found your blog thru one of the linky parties this weekend. Sincerely, Mary Dallas TX


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