
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Back in Business

If I worked for me I'd probably fire myself. 

First I lose an important piece of equipment (the camera), resulting in no blog photos for two weeks.  Plus I haven't updated my Etsy page in forever, and Mr. P's Emporium's Facebook page was in dire need of some new posts.

But I really have been working hard, and I bought a new camera.  Plus I work for cheap.  So I'm giving myself another chance.  :-)

Here are some photos of my new little space.  In fact, for a small space I may have gone a bit overboard in the photo department!  I'm just so excited to finally show you!

This is how the space looks today:

Like I said, I'm starting out small! It's half the size of a typical 10 x 10 booth, but it's all along a wall.

I can only come out 2.5' from the wall to allow for traffic access and the fire code -- so I'm pretty limited.  But I just didn't want to bite off more rent than I could chew.

I'm trying to make the most of the space I have though!  I have this great enamel top table ...

Topped with some retro kitchen and serving accessories, and the little corner table I painted and showed you here.


I have the dresser you all helped me with (the consensus of opinion was not to paint the medallion), with a basket of handcrafted lavender sachets in one of the drawers ...

And a decanter and some dressing table accessories on top.

To the right of that is a sofa table I painted in ASCP Coco ...

And stenciled to give it a little French flair.

More "smalls" are on top, including this adorable lattice porcelain basket and rose celery dish (perfect as a card holder for now!).

Above the table are shelves with more home accessories and decor, including the set of pink glasses that match the white ones I showed you in this post.

Under the table is the great American Standard Computing  Scale, which I just love, and some decorative pillows.


I have a set of doors in the space that match a set I have in my house, leading into my living room.  I love the original finish on these, and the great hardware.

The door pulls actually align -- I just didn't realize one was pulled up until
I got home and saw the photo

In front of the doors I have a set of mahogany end tables that I've painted white and distressed (ASCP old white), and a little coffee table painted in French Linen.


A couple of other recent finds include a cute gold leaf serving dish -- perfect for Fall get-togethers ... 

and this sweet gravy pitcher with blue birds on it.

And last, but not least -- some handmade shabby chic pumpkins!

Hope that wasn't photo overload! 

Have a great weekend!

(And please think positive thoughts that I make some sales -- or I may have to lay myself off after all!) 

Sharing at: Potpourri Friday


  1. Great space and lots of fabulous goodies to sell! You're a keeper for sure ;) - Susan

  2. Love the new shop ~ Have a special weekend.

  3. I love it Deborah - lovely, and bigger than I thought. Did you make the pumpkins and the lavender sachets? (We should do a little sewing session at the Fall Getaway Weekend - wouldn't that be fun :)

  4. Your space looks great! You got a lot in that little space - LOVE the set of doors!!


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