Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Sandy Aftermath
Hurricane Sandy is a memory, and now we're just left with clean-up. We were very lucky: some big branches fell, but none hit the house, and no trees have fallen. Other than a couple of short black-outs, we even kept our power throughout the night!
We can't breath a total sigh of relief for a few days though, since the earth is so water-logged. We've been through this before: If a tree doesn't have strong, healthy roots for some reason, it's not always apparent there's a problem and it can still come down in these soggy conditions.
The very good news is Mosby's IBS problems cleared up before the storm hit; otherwise it could have been really ugly! Because there was no thunder or lightning I was able to get him and the other two dogs to go outside a couple of times, and the vet-prescribed meds kept Mosby and Angel pretty calm when the winds picked up. There were a couple of times around midnight when I had a combined 110 lbs. of dogs trying to crawl in my lap (at the same time!), but they weren't too bad. Not much scares our chihuahua mix Pepper (Mr. P), so even though he's the smallest of the bunch he's the calmest in these situations, and he slept through most of it.
I should have taken some photos of the trees whipping around during the day, but to tell you the truth I was too nervous to stand by the windows! And since I was stuck inside, I could have been productive -- there are a million projects I could have been doing (or finishing!) -- but instead I hunkered down with the dogs, a cup of tea, and a book!
Thank-you to those of you who left comments with your good wishes. If I didn't answer you directly it's because you're a "no reply" commenter, but I truly appreciate your thoughts!
Our thoughts and prayers are with those in New Jersey and New York who were hit hard by the storm. Hang in there, and I hope life gets back to normal for you soon!
We couldn’t be more pleased you hunkered down with a book and stayed away from the windows. Gotta love the resilience of the people of New York and New Jersey. So good to see most of you on my blog roll came through unscathed except for clean-up. I’m not underestimating your next few days of clearing up storm damage. Peace.
ReplyDeleteTea and a book sound like a great way to ride out the storm. I was too full of nervous energy, so I nested. I was a bum today, though.