
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Story of Mr. P's Emporium

Finally. The time has come for the story that has to be told. The story the world has been waiting for ...  The true story of Mr. P's Emporium!!!! 

Okay ... well maybe not ...

But I do have some exciting news about Mr. P's, so I thought I'd fill you in on the back-story.

If you've read this blog, you probably know that I'm a bit of a shop-aholic. (A bit??!!)  And my absolute favorite shopping is for vintage and decor.

I've always been a shop-aholic, but the realities of life over the years necessitated that I refine my tendencies to mainly bargain-hunting, which it turned out I love to do. (Who knew? Wish I had figured this out when I was in my 20's--my 401k would be so much larger now!) It's just the thrill of the hunt. So I stalk thrift shops and Craigslist and anywhere I think I might find a deal.

The problem was I couldn't pass up some of the great things I was finding, even if I didn't need them.  So rather than become a future episode of "Hoarders" (although I have a friend who insists I'm still well on my way), I started selling my finds and occasionally some crafts on Etsy.

Because I was going to donate the proceeds of the sales to one of the animal rescue groups I volunteered with, I decided to name the shop after one of my dogs that had been adopted through the group. His nickname is Mr. P.  Hence, Mr. P's Emporium.

The Famous Mr. P.

Then, because I love painted furniture, I decided to try painting some pieces I found in my shopping forays. So Mr. P's expanded to selling furniture. 

I was just kind of meandering and didn't really have any set strategy for Mr. P's until this year, when one of my New Year's resolutions was to get serious and come up with a business plan.  My first goal was to get into the Lucketts Market and see how my stuff sold. I did Lucketts last spring and was pretty happy with the results and the comments I received from shoppers.

So ... on to my news:  I've decided to take the next step and rent some space in an antique mall--Mr. P's Emporium will actually have a home!!  That means I can clear out my garage (and not have to listen to any more snide hoarder comments from my friend)!!!!

I sign the lease on Friday, and will open in October! 

More info to come in future posts!


  1. Congratulations! This is HUGE...

  2. You finally found a space!! Yay!!!!! Do you want some help moving in?

  3. So happy for you! Keep us all posted where this new place is so we can come visit!

  4. yay for you. You will have so much fun working with your space!


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