
Friday, September 14, 2012

Welcome to my World

It's Friday!  If you were here I'd sing you the "Friday Song," but since you can't hear my magnificent ;-) song stylings in person, I'll just have to wish you the best of days! 

The weather here in Northern Virginia has been absolutely beautiful this week -- sunny, in the 80's with no humidity, with just a hint of Fall in the air.  I've been finishing up a freelance project and painting pieces for my new space, which opens October 1st.

I had big plans for taking advantage of the weather and being super productive this week since I could spread out and paint outside. But as usual, my life gets in the way.

Case in point -- last night I ended up here:

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I'm a bit of a klutz.  Okay, "a bit" might be putting it kindly.  Well last night, with the leashes of two dogs in both hands so I couldn't catch myself, I tripped, fell against our front step, and slashed the front of my leg.

Add the fact that the step is concrete, and I have a worry-wart husband (actually, I think his concern about me is very sweet!), and we had to take a trip to the ER.  He convinced me with his descriptions about various bacteria, and the fact that it hurt to barely touch most of my shin. 

(FYI in my zeal to beat back the flesh-eating germs hubby was warning me about, I used hydrogen peroxide to clean the wound.  The nurse told me that was "old school" and that only soap and water should be used, followed by an antibiotic cream or ointment.  Turns out hydrogen peroxide kills healthy tissue!  So if you didn't know already know this, consider it today's Craigslist Junkie's health lesson. See all the the important things you can learn here!)

An x-ray, a tetanus shot and an ace bandage ensued, and we were on our way home.  Nothing major -- just a long cut, scrapes and a lot of bruising and swelling. I'm supposed to stay off of it and keep it elevated for 24 hours, so my vision of painting up a storm today has now fizzled.

Anyway ... I did want to tell you a little more about the new space for Mr. P's Emporium.  It's at the Leesburg Court of Shoppes, which is right on Rt. 15.  It's about 4-miles south of downtown Leesburg, VA,  and 8-miles south of Lucketts, near Oatlands Plantation. 

It's more of a traditional antique mall than say, a place like Lucketts, and I'll be the only vendor selling hand-painted vintage furniture.  Which could be a good thing, or a bad thing -- we'll just have to wait and see.  In addition to the furniture I'll be selling vintage home accessories and decor items, and some crafts for the holidays. The mall went under new management last year, and they are really helpful to new sellers like me.

I'm going to have a "soft" opening (I'm acting like this is a real store instead of a little space! Oh well ... channeling my old retail marketing days!), and once I get settled in I plan to have a small celebration.  I'll send out notices once everything is formalized, and announce it on Mr. P's Facebook page. So if you're on Facebook, please go "Like" the page. If you would like to be on my mailing list,  just let me know.

The way my life goes, I may be in bandages, a cast, or who the heck knows -- but I'll get it open!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. you are lucky it wasn't worse and you didn't have to get staples like me! glad you are ok!

  2. You poor thing. Going to the ER isn't fun at all. Do what the doctor said and take it easy.

  3. will head your way to Leesburg when you are open!!

  4. If it were anyone else I’d be worried about a two week deadline. Klutz you may be ~ grace under pressure you ARE!

  5. Ouch! I'm a sister klutz so I know how it goes... We are not exactly in the right profession for this..! Congrats on the new space.. Can't wait to see some pictures! - Susan


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