
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thrifty Whites

Have I mentioned I love white in decor?  (Uh ... about a hundred times?)  It's not that I'm anti-color, I just love white as an anchor because it's versatile and serene.

So I was doing the happy dance when I came across these beauties during one of my recent thrift store runs!  I was definitely having a white-is-right kind of shopping day.

I'm not sure about the age of the big pitcher or if it's ironstone; it has an embossed stamp I can't read.  But because the stamp is embossed, and there is a little bit of pitting, I think it's vintage.  This adorable little teapot is English ironstone (marked).  The pitcher was $4 at Goodwill and the teapot was $2 at a local thrift store.

I found a set of 10 of these glasses at The Salvation Army for $1 a piece.  Score!  It was their 40% off sale day.  I also picked up a set of six in pink, which I'll be selling.  Or maybe not.  They're pretty cute.

Twelve milkglass bud vases were waiting for me at another shop (I'm just showing a few here).  Most are Hoosier glass from Indiana or Brody glass from Cleveland, which are collectible.  The prices ranged from 50 cents to $1 a piece for the small vases and $1.50 to $2 for the larger ones.  These are great for wedding decor, or clustered on a large dining table.


I don't think this little bud vase is vintage, but it's very sweet. I got the little candy dish/pedestal from the same thrift shop.

I even found the little wood table-thingy that I'm using for display during my thrift store foray.  I have no idea what it is or what it was used for, but I painted it white and figured I'd come up with something!

That's what so great about white--you can always find a place for it somewhere!

Sharing at:
Faded Charm: White Wednesday
My Romantic Home: Show & Tell Friday
French Country Home: Feathered Nest Friday


  1. Just lovely Deborah. And I especially love those Salvation Army glasses - seems you can use them for... juice, or white wine, or water, or red wine, or an amuse bouche, or white wine, or dessert, or an apéritif, or scotch... And only a dollar each - what a great deal!

  2. See some that are keepers and some to turn over for another run ~ boy, do I ever wish we could join forces. Happy thrifting!


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