
Friday, May 18, 2012

I Made It!

My booth may not be as filled as others, but it's not embarrassingly empty either!

Mr. P's Emporium's booth at Lucketts.

Today we set up for the Lucketts Spring Market.  If you haven't ever been to this market, you have to put it on your bucket list! It's filled with fabulous things.  This year there are 170 vendors -- and I'm one of them!

Hartwood Attic is right next door.  Those are her chairs in the right of the photo.

Connie for Hartwood Roses and I are sharing two booths.  Connie has closed down her shop, so she brought lots of things to the market.  It was down to the wire for me to finish what I brought.

Participating in the show has been a goal for the last year.  So basically I'll be happy if I break even once I subtract expenses.

That's Connie setting up on her side of the booth.

That may be hard though, since I've already bought a chair from our next door neighbor, and who knows what else will catch my eye?

I'll take photos of the market for upcoming posts.  We start bright and early tomorrow.

In the meantime, I'm pouring myself a glass of wine and relaxing now that everything is set up!

Hope to see you if you live in the area.  We're located in the "Field of Gold."  My booth is Mr. P's Emporium, and Connie's is Hartwood Attic.


  1. YAY!!! wishing both you and connie the best of luck! i will come say hi sunday! :)

  2. It all looks great ! Wish I could be there and buy some stuff from you I do love all the furniture. Have a great weekend and hope you make great sales.

  3. What a great hobby/avocation. Looks like a labor of love for you. wish I was in the area to stop by, alas, wrong coast.
    jill i

  4. Woo-hoo! Hope the weekend is a smashing success! I'll be looking for you!

  5. Everything looks great. I won't be surprised at all if you sell out! Very best of luck.

  6. I think your booth is amazing! That white distressed table is my favorite :)

    I wish I lived closer.....this show looks like so much fun!


  7. Oh my, too far for me, but I'd sure like to be there! Your items look fantastic and wish I could come browse! Good luck, and I hope you don't just break even, I hope you have one dresser left to put all the money you make in to bring home!!! Or a chest, or your chair - stuff the cushion!! So make loads of money!!


  8. How fun to meet you in person! Your booth looked wonderful! Hope it was everything you expected and more!

  9. Hi Deborah, It was so nice to meet you in person! I hope you and Connie had a successful show.

  10. Fellow local blogger here. Was there on Sunday. Remember seeing your booth. Glad you had a great show.


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