
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Down to the Wire

Take a new job, add a flood, mix in a fallen tree, and throw in plain 'ole bad time management, and what do you get?  Me working into the wee hours to get everything done for Lucketts!

We're picking up the UHaul truck tomorrow and packing it tomorrow afternoon. While I may not be bringing everything I wanted to because I just didn't get to a couple of projects, I'll have a good mix of painted and primitive furniture, mirrors, vintage prints, home accessories, and some other fun things.  And we'll just see how it goes.  I've been going to Lucketts for years, but this is my first time as a vendor.  I'm excited--and tired already!

So if you're in the area and going to Lucketts, stop by and say hi.  My booth, Mr. P's Emporium, and Hartwood Roses will be right next to each other in the Field of Gold.

I'd love to meet you!


  1. Wishing you all the best at your show. I'm sure you'll do well.

  2. I'll be sure to stop by! I'm travelling from NY for the Market and planning to do blog posts each night that I'm there - I'll also be picking up a few smalls for giveaways to my readers after I get back. I 'm looking forward to seeing your booth!

  3. Hope ya have one awesome show!!!


  4. I will try to stop by today! I'm in the Wild Rose tents across from Stylish Patina! Good luck!


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