
Monday, May 21, 2012

The Day After Lucketts ...

The Lucketts Spring Market is over.  It was quite an experience!

The sun shined the entire weekend, and the rain waited until today.  There was music ... and fresh-squeezed lemonade ... and thousands of people.  Not to mention all the vendors whose creativity and talent just made my mind whirl!

And I sold almost everything! 

So today I'm ... exhausted.  You know that expression "bone tired?"  That's me.

Later this week I'll post photos and talk more about the market.  I'll get caught up on my "real" work, and clean the house that is absolutely a mess. I'll bake cookies to send to my son the Marine and start working in the garden that has been overtaken by weeds.

Later.  Today I'm just going to vegetate and read!

But I did want to thank all of you who sent me good wishes and encouragement!  And thank-you to those of you who stopped by to visit while you were at Lucketts. It meant a lot to me, and it helped make my first year at Lucketts even more special.


  1. It was a delight to spend the weekend sharing the booth with you ... can't wait till next year ... wait, yes I can ... I need some rest, too. Get some rest.

  2. Oh Deborah, I am so very happy for your successful first year!

    Makes such a difference for the future! Now you know you can do it, people love your wares and will buy, so the only thing that could keep you from future successes is maybe the weather! How blessed you are, indeed!

    You do indeed deserve to take a day off and recuperate. Those bones that are so tired need some time to rest. The house and laundry will wait! Even one day for you Marine won't be too bad, he will understand!

    Congratulations on your first go around and having it be so successful! I'll just bet your mind is whirling for next year already, too!

    gentle hugs,

  3. Hey Deborah! I can't believe you even had the energy to write this post! You had some great stuff, I'm still looking around the house to see if I can use those awesome painted French carriage pictures! It was so great meeting you and I'm glad we could spend some time hanging out! You did fabulously well! Hope to see you again sometime soon.. give me a call of your in Richmond! - Susan

  4. Deborah, Congrats on your successful show! I can imagine how tired you are since I was just a shopper and it was exhausting. So glad you didn't have much to load and take home. Now following.

  5. Deborah, Great blog! I just read every post because it was so enjoyable. You have found some great Craigslist treasures. Happy hunting. Cindi


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