
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Big Distraction

I hope you all had a good weekend, and that your week's off to a good start! 

I'm busting my patooti trying to get things finished for Lucketts. I didn't quite manage to get everything done I wanted to last week. 

It seems like every time I thought I'd have a whole day to work on my painting projects, something came up that messed up my planning.

But last week something came down. 

And it was big.

I was inside the house when I heard a strange noise.  My husband had just left, and I was getting ready to run an errand. The neighbors behind us had been getting some work done on their house, so I thought the noise was a piece of wood dropping or something, and didn't think much of it.  Imagine my surprise when I came out and saw this in our driveway!  I obviously wasn't going anywhere for awhile.

We were really, really lucky.  I had been out with the dogs right about where the tree came down just about a half-hour before.  And my husband had just driven past it! 

No one was hurt.  No serious damage.

Just another distraction--a big leafy one! 


  1. Look how the one side of the base of that tree is rotted away! No wonder it had no support on that side. It's good that nothing was damaged and no one was hurt. That's a BIG tree!

  2. WOW!!!!!! so glad you guys were all safe!

  3. Yikes! Lucky for you that no one was hurt and it didn't drop on the house. Seems as though the universe is trying to throw a wrench in your Luckett's plans...keep plugging away :)


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