
Monday, February 13, 2012

I'm so excited I may throw up!!

If you live in the DC/VA/MD area, or if you're a reader of Miss Mustard Seed or Primitive and Proper, you've heard of Lucketts.  It's a great antique shop located outside of Leesburg, VA.  Each year they have a big spring market with hundreds of vendors selling vintage furniture and wares.  Marian from MMS and Cassie from P & P are there each year, as well as other bloggers and dealers from throughout the area and the rest of the country.

From last year's Lucketts Market

I've gone to the market a few times since we moved into the area, and last year I made a point of introducing myself to some of the people whose work I've been following.  Cassie was especially sweet and encouraged me to start a blog--something I'd also been thinking about.  So soon after that I started Confessions of a Craigslist Junkie.  I also thought, "what the heck, I'll try to get into the market next year."

I actually never thought I'd get in.  They offer space to previous vendors first (and of course everybody always signs up again!), and then it's determined by space availablity and first-come, first serve.  But today I got the packet in the mail-- I'm an official Lucketts vendor!!!

Luckily I'm not in it alone, otherwise I'd be really freaking out.  (Actually, I'm still freaking out, but at least I have someone to share it with!)  A few months ago I asked Connie from Hartwood Roses if she would be interested if we could get in. She was, so she and I are going to share two booths! 

It's in May, and I have a ton of work ahead of me.  I have a lot of pieces that need to be painted (my husband will be happy that they will finally get out of the garage--and hopefully most will not be coming back!).  Connie has a head start because she has a booth in an antique mall she keeps stocked.  However, my last contract just ended, so the timing is good for me.  Although I'll still have to look for another consulting or freelance job, I can take advantage of my time off to get productive--I just have to hone up my time management skills!

This fits right into my business plan for Mr. P's Emporium (one of my New Year's resolutions was to get a plan formalized), and I'm very excited.  I'm also very nervous about making sure I have enough big items ready.

So I'd better get off the computer and go buy some more paint!


  1. oh boy oh boy oh boy ... I'm just as excited as you are!! Now that we're in, I gotta get busy. This is so cool!

  2. so excited for you both! and guess what.... i am coming this year only as a shopper. :) i needed a break! and i will be sharing some of wild rose's space, but i am coming shopping with my friend on sunday! i will be sure to look for you!!!

  3. I'm excited FOR you! Do stop by Marian's booth and say HI. I think if I ever saw her in person I'd faint. (HUGEEEE fan here)

    We are so happy for you. I'm a Follower, but now I'll be stalking your blog to get allll the tidbits of the upcoming shin-dig!

    Smiles, Suzanne in NW Illinois

  4. Congratulations! Both of you will do a wonderful job ~ :-)


  5. Always plan to have more stock than you think will sell... because it will. Bring anything and everything because people's tastes are so different. You are going to do awesome! Wish I could come check it out, but alas, I am very far away.

  6. Way to go! I just moved to Maryland and am excited to visit...maybe I'll see you there in the spring!!

    -Jill @ Junky Vagabond

  7. Great news Deborah! I sold at Lucketts for 4 years and it was a lot of fun! (Are you inside the school or outside?) I loved it when they started the fair with a Friday night sale - remember that? That was great - wish they would do that again. I'll miss this year's fair - I'll be on a bike trip in Belgium, but have a great time! Hey, what are you doing reading this, get busy! Helen

  8. Oh cool, I'll look forward to meeting you girls in person! I never miss a Luckett's Spring Market!

  9. Hi
    New follower here , I love your blog ! Papa and I are Antique junkies , We love the old and the history to them ! I found your blog through Cheerful Thrifty Door blog ! Looking forward to reading your posts and seeing your finds ! Have a great day

  10. Wowsa!!!

    You two better get to painting!!! I know a great little shop in Warrenton where you can get all your Annie Sloan paints ;->

    Very happy for you both.

    ~Janet xox
    The Empty Nest, Annie Sloan Stockist...hint..hint


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