
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Saturday!

Hi there blog buddies!  I hope your weekend is getting off to a good start.  I've just enjoyed a leisurely Saturday morning drinking tea and watching the occasional snowflake fall. We're on a "winter weather watch" here in Northern VA, which could mean anything from a couple of inches of snow to a bright sunny, cold day.  You never know around here.

While my morning has been leisurely, I can't say it has been peaceful:  Our dogs apparently have a lot of pent-up energy and need a nice, long walk.  First I watched as the little one ran around the house with a toy in his mouth that was just about the same size as he is. He'd stop, throw it in the air, pick it up and shake it, then take another loop through the family room and kitchen.  Then the two bigger dogs decided they wanted in on the game and started chasing and wrestling each other around the first floor and up and down the stairs to the second.  I'm surrounded by a crazy pack of furriness!  You'd think all the noise would wake up my son, who is home for the weekend, but nope!  Not having to get up at the crack of dawn and being home (he's a Marine) probably means he'll sleep until this afternoon ...

Well I do have some things I want to show you, but the camera is just not cooperating.  Proving once and for all that it is the camera's issue and not the operator's, it's pretty much totally on the fritz.  We're going to take it in to see if it is worth repairing, but in the meantime I'm going to borrow my son's camera.  Once he gets up and tells me where it is ...

So I hope to post some photos soon.  In the meantime, enjoy your Saturday and the rest of your weekend!


  1. What a nice way to spend your Saturday! Living on the Central Coast area of California, while we have many nice days, it wouldn't be watching an occasional snow flake drop! I wish sometimes ... But my Sweetie, who was born and raised in the Boston area, says, "no way at all - shoveled snow growing up and I'm not moving back to shovel in in my golden years!"

    You mentioned your son is a Marine. From my family and me, please give him this message ~ "Thank you for your service to our Country. Thank you for the sacrifice you make every day to keep this country safe, to protect our way of life, our freedoms. I want you to know my family and I appreciate you and your fellow service members. We want you to know you are prayed for by many each and every day. God bless you and keep you safe!"

    And, Deborah, as the mom of a Marine, Thank You and the rest of your family for your service to our country as well. People often forget the spouses and parents, sisters and brothers, and children of our service members. You are left here at home to be the encourager, to pick up the job, many times, and play dual roles. As a parent, your heart must be on watch ~ proud to know your son is the one in charge of protecting all of us, keeping us safe, and ever prayerful of his safe return while you keep the home fires burning. God bless you, Deborah.

    Have a wonderful weekend with your son home!

    Many blessings,

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