
Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Friday & Dining Room Tweaks

It's Friday!  Wanna sing the Friday song with me?  You'll have to make up your own tune since you can't hear my voice (and I must say, you're missing out because it is lovely!) :-)  Here we go:  "Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite day.  Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite day.  Monday is a bummer.  Tuesday's only fair.  Wednesday's getting better. Thursday's almost there.  But Friday, Friday...Friday is my favorite, Friday is my favorite, Friday is my favorite daayaayy!" Now give yourself a round of applause--yay Friday! Yay you!

I want to take just a moment to thank you all for hanging in there with me.  Between the camera issues and other things I won't bore you with, I know my content has been kind of sparse lately, and I see that I've lost some followers.  So I really want to express my appreciation for those of you who have stuck around!

Today I wanted to share a few little tweaks I've made to my money-making dining room redo that I showed to you all in December.  It actually turned out a little bit more formal-looking than I was going for--I wanted more of an old, French country manor mix.  At first I was worried it was the Famous Butt chairs.  I didn't want move them out because I just love them.  I thought of making some simple slipcovers for them, which I will do down the road to change out the look (which should be interesting since I don't really sew!).  But then I realized I just needed to change up the accessories.

First I took out most of the silver candle holders I had on the side table.  I put my mother's old copper tub below it and an old shutter I bought at Lucketts years ago behind it.

I brought in a wrought iron architectural element that I most recently had on the foyer table, a couple of urns and an iron fleur de leis.  

I just love the rusted iron against the old, peeling paint of the shutter! I know some people just do not get this style, but I love to have things that show their history around my house.

I didn't do anything much to the buffet wall, other than add a white iron wire candle holder.

On the china cabinet wall I put an antique harvest basket on top of the cabinet.  I took the more formal-looking centerpiece off the table and added a white iron wire bowl filled with (faux) green apples. 

I like the touch of green in the room with the apples and the moss in the urn, so I'll be looking for some other ways to add more in.

So that's it for now.  I think the tweaks added more of the French country vibe I was going for. The other wall still needs work.  The shelves that are currently there holding my bud vase collection just don't work with the rest of the room.  I have an idea for them though.  And I have the mate to the shutter I could work in somewhere too ...  Nothing's ever really "done" around here--there's always more tweaking that can be done!

Have a great weekend!

Sharing at French Country Cottage:  Feathered Nest Fridays


  1. Looks great ! You lost followers thats a shame . Ya wont loose me thats for sure ! Hey life gets busy and it is hard to post every day or even every other day with a busy life and maybe not much to post about thats me retired and dont always have something to post but heck thats the way it goes ! Hope you get your camrea sorted out I would be lost with out mine ! Have a great day !

  2. I think we are all losing followers. It seems there's a lot of cleanup going on. I've lost some too, and I don't have that many, but if they're leaving, and it's because you aren't posting every day, or I'm not - well ...

    I use a blog list and I like using it because it shows when the blogs I really like have posted. If everyone I have bookmarked wrote at the same time, I wouldn't be able to drink a cup of tea!! he he he.

    You're doing fine. With all of the Yahoo, Blogger, Facebook stuff going one, some folks have become a bit worried about privacy. In the end, those of us who really like to see what you are doing, we'll come around. We're all busy, too!

    Love what you did in your room. You're right about the green popping. A lot of designers are using green apples in dining rooms and kitchen. Looks really great!

    and no worries!

  3. I think you are hitting french country! The one thing I would change is the chandelier. This of something more like the Pottery Barn Hundi or even the Exeter or Harlowe. The chandelier is what is too formal I think. Otherwise, such a stunning room. I love the layering on your side table.


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