
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Apparently I'm Versatile!

I was recently awarded the Versatile Blogger Award from two readers:  Shari at TurnStyle Vogue, and Shannon at Fox Hollow Cottage. 

I'm not exactly sure what a "versatile blogger" is, but the award is meant to highlight blogs to increase awareness and readership. I truly appreciate anybody who takes the time to read my blog, so a sincere thank-you to Shari and Shannon.

The rules of this award are:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave the award to you.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Award it to 15 other bloggers.

So ... here we go!

Seven Things:

1. I was born in Honolulu.  My grandmother first went there in the early 1900's to teach school, then went back with my grandfather around 1923.  My grandmother, whom unfortunately I never knew, was a pretty amazing and aventurous woman, originally from Georgia.  Beside traveling to Hawaii as a single woman to teach (and it wasn't easy getting to the Islands back then!), she also taught in Alaska (again not an easy trek), where she met my grandfather. My mom had all sorts of great stories she told me about her.

2. I tend to digress ... alot (see #1).

3. I'm passionate about animal welfare and rescue, and volunteer with a couple of animal rescue organizations.  We have three rescue kitties and three rescue dogs at home. Proceeds from Mr. P's Emporium go to a local rescue organization.

4. I believe everything happens for a reason.

5. Between career-focus and bad choices in relationships, I didn't get married until I was 42.  Now I'm grateful for those bad choices because they taught me a lot, and without them I wouldn't have been in the place I was (mentally and physically) to meet my husband. (See # 4.) When we married I also received an instant family -- two stepsons who lived with us and who I couldn't love more if they were my birth children. We recently celebrated our 11th anniversary.

6. I got my shopaholic gene from my mother, who even though she was a single mom without a lot of extra cash, had great taste and a good eye.  She started me on antique shops as a child.  She also was a DIY-er, and a shoe horder extraordinaire. 

7. I've had a secret dream of being a back-up R & B singer since I was a kid.  So if anyone out there is looking for a 50-something singer with no professional training and a just-passable voice -- I'm your gal!   

I Award this Award To:

First to my friend Amelia, who is one of the best cooks I know, and who just started her blog: 1inAmelianCooks.  She's only done a couple of blogs, so please stop by and encourage her!  Next is Rosemary at VillaBarnes who I "met" through comments on each other blogs.  Now this woman is truly versatile!  She's really just amazingly talented. If you haven't already, you need to check out her blog. Third is Kelly at Stylish Patina who encouraged me to start a blog, and who is just going gangbusters in her new businesses.

Here are some new blogs (some even newer than me!) who've either recently visited me and left a comment, or I've recently found via other blogs. These are all very talented ladies!

Reloved Rubbish
A Fabuless Home
Retired & Loving It
Uniquely Chic
The DIYSpot
Chicadee Home Nest
Cottage & Broome
The Turquoise Piano

These next blogs are "blogging pros" who are so kind and supportive to new bloggers I just wanted to recognize them!  They've probably already won any "award" out there in blogland so I really don't expect them to take the time to do the whole 7 things and 15 bloggers deal. But if by any remote chance you haven't already found them, check them out:

Primitive & Proper (the first diy/decorating blog I started reading!)
Type A Decorating
DebbieDoo's Blogging & Blabbing
My Repurposed Life

Thanks again Shari & Shannon!


  1. Deborah,
    You are such a sweetheart. I'm incredibly flatter by your kind words. I always enjoy visiting your blog. It's great to find out a little more about you. We have several things in common. I'll be 52 next month. I learned how to be creative and thrifty from my mom, and I considered singing as a career. Thanks for thinking of me.

  2. I loved hearing your story! Have you ever posted a pic of your adventurous grandmother? Congratulations on capturing the award. I will visit the ones who bestowed it as well as those you mentioned!

  3. Love your 7 facts. Doo you wop ;) lol

    Debbie at DebbieDoo's gave me the nudge to start blogging. We met on HGTV Rate My Space. She is a DOLL!!!!

  4. aw, deborah! thank you so much- this totally made me feel warm and fuzzy inside!
    so.... are you going to be a vendor at lucketts this year??? i think you should consider it! :)

  5. congrats on your award! and thanks for including me in your list, it's such a wonderful honor!

  6. I promise, I promise to visit every single one of these blogs, but first, Deborah, thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your award by listing my little Chickadee blog! Congratulations to you--you know I've really enjoyed your blog since finding you. I'm so new at blogging that I am completely blown away by your including me in your list. You have no idea how much that means to me--thank you.

  7. Fun to stop by on a "getting to know you" post! Hawaii ~ SWEET! I'm your newest "follower" and am so excited to soak in all your ideas!!! I'll be expecting a YouTube R&B performance on one of your posts!!! :)

    Aimee @ ItsOverflowing

  8. I love getting to know you! I'm posting my award blog tomorrow. Thanks so much for thinking of me! Muah!

  9. Awesome and congrats! You and I have one thing in common...I too long to be a back-up singer (do-wap girl) for a R&B band. We are both on the search for a gig!!

  10. Hi there! Visiting from Kelli's Turqu Piano today. She awarded ME this award today and told her she received it from YOU-- and with a blogname like "confessionsd of a craigslist junkie" how could I NOT check you out.

    NEAT BLOG!!!
    Big Smiles, Suzanne, WhyCuzICan

  11. I also tend to digress a lot. That's the price we pay for being so awesome. :)

  12. I'm sitting here blog hopping, from link to link, needing to get up and fill my empty coffee cup, and I ended up here ... by accident, or not ... are there REALLY any accidents? I think I found a kindred spirit. As I was reading your list of seven things, I was saying, "That's me, and that too" all the way through. I wanted to speak up and tell you that this first visit here will definitely not be my last. I'm pushing the Follower button as soon as I hit Post Comment, and then I'm adding you to my sidebar so I don't miss a thing. It's great to have 'found' you.


I LOVE comments! Thank-you so much for taking the time to visit my blog and to write a note. Please make sure your email is on your profile if you would like a reply.
