
Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall is Falling

It was a beautiful autumn weekend here in Virginia, so while I'm finishing up the "before and after" I had planned on showing you today, I thought I'd show you some photos I took around the house:

The trees are turning color.

Our pumpkins are out.

And so is the welcome sign.

The wreaths are on the doors.

There's still some color in the garden.

Along with some chrysanthemums in the containers.

Those leaves you see aren't placed there for effect.  The leaves are not only turning.  They are falling ...

And falling ...

And falling ...

I love our trees, but I hate the leaf clean-up we have to do every year.  And when I mentioned to my husband that we should get going on it, he said, "Hey, I just dug a hole!"  I'm sure he'll be playing his water main repair card for months to come to show he's done his part around the house! Oh well, he comes through in a crunch. It's tough being a DIY-er married to a DIS-er (do it somebody else), but it certainly makes our landscape guy happy to know he can count on our business each year! 


  1. i love that photo with the blue chippy stool- that color looks brilliant with the fall leaves!

  2. These photos are so colorful...even the fallen leaves are beautiful!


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