
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Closet Envy

The great shoe migration has begun at my house.   Do any of  you do this, or am I the only shoe hoarder out there? Maybe you all have tons of closet space, or can easily get by on four pairs of shoes, (I know there are people of this alien species out there, including some of my friends, but I have no idea how they do it!). If so, lucky you. But I've never lived in a house with enough closet space.  The listing for the house we live in now advertised "his and her walk-in closets."  Ha! I guess technically they're walk-in, because you can step inside them, but there is barely enough room to turn around.

So I have to store and change-out my clothes and shoes seasonally. In the spring, out come my sandals, flip-flops, and open-toed shoes, and in the fall they're replaced with boots and closed-toe versions.  There are some flats, etc. that are seasonless and get to live in the closet full-time.  Those are the shoe elite!

I organize my shoe collection in boxes with either photos or a description written on them, placed by style, color, and amount of use. (This may sound OCD, but on an average day you'll find a bunch piled on the floor because I haven't bothered to put them away, so my inner messy self does come through!)  But no matter how organized they are, at the end of the season I always find a pair or two I forgot I had. I've even been known to buy a new pair, only to bring them home and find out I have the exact same pair already!

The shoe and clothes migration are actually a lot of work, and this is the time of year when my closet envy reaches its peak.  My closet is about as organized as its size lets it be, so a new closet organization system isn't going to do much for it.  I suppose I could paint it and make it prettier, but really, what's the point?

So I fantasize about beautiful closets with chandeliers, a place to sit down, and a spot for every pair of shoes I own.  Want to dream with me?  Here's some eye candy:

 via Pinterest



Ahhhhh.  Well a girl can dream can't she?

Now, Jessica Alba is a girl after my own heart when it comes to shoes:

Remember Carrie's closet on Sex in the City?

Here are a couple more; a bit more subdued -- no chandelier, but I'd still take them!

via Pinterest

Elle Decor
(Check out all that LV luggage!)

Oh well ... back to the reality of pulling out the storage bins in the basement, taking out shoes, putting in shoes, and putting the bins back in the basement.  Maybe one of these days I'll get my perfect closet ... or decide I don't need so many shoes. Dream on!


  1. I LOVED this made me laugh! Most of us have closet envy! When I got to the one with the LV luggage I made a quick note to mention it to you, and you were already on it! LOL I switch my clothes and mmmaaaannny shoes out too, but I'm thankful I only have to take them to the spare bedroom closet, but what a chore it is. I think we'd need more than a closet double the size, though. Thanks for following me and I'm following you now too!

  2. Hi Deborah! I just wanted to let you know that I have awarded you the "Versatile Blogger" award! Here is the link:

    Please pass it on.



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