
Friday, July 29, 2011

It's Too Damn Hot

Rather than working on projects for my house, I'm getting ready for my first-ever vintage tag sale at the beginning of September.

At least I'm trying to get ready. This is what my garage looks like these days ...

A friend of mine told me I was THIS close to going over the edge to hoarder-land!

I really am working on stuff.  I picked up this set of end tables that I'm in the process of painting.

I love the legs and the carved detail, but the tops were pretty scratched up and I thought they'd be prettier if they were lightened up. But it's been sooooo hot and humid here the last couple of days the last thing I wanted to do was to paint outdoors.

So yesterday instead of painting I went to lunch and shopping with my friend Valerie. We headed out to Leesburg, which for those of you not from the area is an historic Virginia town.

Of course all the towns in Virginia are historic ... coming from the West Coast I was amazed and fascinated by having all this history at our doorstep (or back door actually -- we live just down the street from the church where Clara Barton nursed hundreds of wounded soldiers from the first battle of Manassas in the Civil War). But I digress. You'll see I have a habit of doing that.  Anyway ... Leesburg is also an antique and home decor shopping destination.

So we shopped.

A shop in Urban Farmhouse, one of my favorites in Leesburg

And shopped some more.  This is one of the coolest vintage stores I've ever been to, the Old Lucketts Store just outside of Leesburg. 

This photo is from their website, and as you can see it was not taken on a hot day in July!

I always get creative ideas going through the various shops.

Whoever owns this space always does a wonderful job of merchandising.

This one is pretty unique, or at least I haven't seen it before.  Using a drop cloth on the ceiling.  The size of the room didn't allow me to get a good photo, but it certainly added some drama to the space!

Today's hotter than yesterday, so I'm going to get a pedicure. :=) I'm actually going to bring some pieces inside to paint (after my pedicure!) so hopefully I'll have a finished project to share with you soon.  I've got to get the stuff in the garage cleared out and organized before the pile gets any closer to the ceiling!

1 comment:

  1. Girl I hear ya! I have not been able to paint at all. Love those end tables:-)


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