For those of you who didn't read my post on Friday and are wondering why I'm showing you a photo of my toes, no I do not have a foot fetish. One of my major goals this weekend was to get a pedicure. Yep, I was aiming high productivity-wise! You can see the top of my friend Monica's flip-flop in the photo, but since I wasn't sure if she wanted to share her toes publicly on my blog I cropped her out. :)
In addition to the big pedicure accomplishment, I managed to get some painting done on a couple of projects I'll be sharing soon. And I scored a couple of great Craigslist finds!
I got this adorable mahogany side table for $20:
It needs a little sprucing up, but I think I can do it with just Howard's Furniture Restorer. There is a great inlaid wood detail on the legs that's not showing up in this photo.
I also got this beautiful bow-front little chest for twenty bucks. Some of the trim has come off, but it was saved and should be a fairly easy fix.
Both pieces are really sturdy and are marked with this label:
I did a little research and found out that the Imperial Furniture Company in Grand Rapids was one of America's premier 20th century furniture manufacturing companies and was founded in 1903. The shape of the label shows my pieces were made during the Depression. I'm doing some more research to see if I can find out what they are worth, but I can bet it's more than $20 a piece! Ya gotta love Craigslist!
On another note, I'm going to be doing a give-away for my followers in the coming weeks. So if you're a subscriber or just reading my blog online, please become a follower! All you have to do is click the button on the left side of the blog.
I'm sharing at:

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