
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Name is Deborah and I'm a Shop-Aholic

I’m a Craigslist junkie, sure.  But I’m basically a shopping junkie.  I blame it (along with my thighs) on my mom. She had me hunting through antique shops with her ever since I was old enough to be counted on not to break anything.  Clothes and shoe shopping were another shared mother/daughter activity.  I used my years of shopping experience well -- by the time I started working in retail marketing I was a seasoned shopping pro!

However the realities of life (and bulging closets) have made me channel my shopping differently. Now I love the thrill of the hunt – scanning through Craigslist, digging through thrift shops and scoping out garage sales to find furniture and home decor at bargain prices.  Since I do this a lot, I find more great things than I can use.  So I recently started an online Etsy shop, Mr. P’s Emporium, where I sell my vintage finds.

Here’s one of my recent scores: 

I love the color of these candlesticks and their transitional style.

They would fit in with a seaside inspired decor like this ...

Country Living Magazine

A modern space like this ...

House Beautiful

A more traditional room like this ...

Country Living

Or how about going for the blue in a beautiful space like this?  Fabulous!

House Beautiful

And where did I find them?  In one of my favorite thrift stores. So I can be a shopping junkie without breaking the bank!

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