
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Staying Warm and Cozy

I'm finishing up a couple of pieces that I'll be sharing with you soon.  But today I'm feeling a bit under the weather -- which is 10 degrees outside right now!  Despite having the heat cranked up, our house isn't getting any warmer than 65 degrees.  It was built in the '80's and isn't very energy efficient.

So I'm thinking today is the perfect day to curl up with the dogs, some hot tea, a good book,

and a cozy throw.  Sometimes you just have to sit back and take care of yourself.

If I get some more energy later, maybe I'll make some homemade soup.

In the meantime, for those of you who are dealing with this artic blast, take care, stay warm and think cozy thoughts!

(All photos from Pinterest, but original sources not found.)


  1. Sorry to hear that you feel bad today...take it easy and get well! I need to get out of my pj's and do some work around here on this COLD day.


  2. Considering the arctic temperature outside, getting the house to 65 is pretty good. We keep our place at 68 (high price of heating oil makes cooler winter temps indoors a necessity). Socks, slippers, layers, and a cozy throw make the chilliness almost enjoyable ... no, I take that back ... it IS enjoyable. Grab yourself a dog or two, sit back with a cup or glass of the beverage of your choice, and feel better soon!

  3. Stay warm Deborah! I have my gas fireplace going non-stop during this cold spell. Someone aked how much that cost, and my answer... just 3 words... I Don't Care!!


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