
Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy New Year, and Thank-you!

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for reading my blog in 2013, and send you best wishes for the New Year!
2014 looks like it will be a year of major changes for us.  My husband has decided to retire, which means downsizing, selling the house and moving to a different part of Virginia--or maybe even out of state.  While I wasn't really ready for this yet, change is exciting, and it will mean a new place to decorate and make our own.  I'm guessing plenty of  DIY "before" and "after" photos will be in the blog's future!

January is my month to get the house in order and try to get the hoard of furniture in the basement painted and out of here.  Hopefully that means I'll have lots of painting projects to show you! 

I'll be keeping Mr.P's Emporium's booth open in it's current location as long as possible. Between the pieces stacked in the garage and in the basement, I'm set for a bit and have plenty to keep Mr. P's stocked.  Of course, looking for the next big find is an addiction for me, so I can't guarantee I won't be searching for treasures--I just want to get the treasures I already have painted first! Stay tuned.

Whatever the new year holds for you, I hope you're happy and successful in all your endeavors!


  1. Oh Deborah, how very exciting. Wishing you all the best for 2014.

  2. oh wow! congrats to your husband and best of luck!

  3. Congratulations from a retiree of Sept 2012 and happy new year! Mary


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