
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Saying Good-Bye, and Changes

It's been a difficult week for me.  My cousin, who I told you I went to visit in Seattle, passed away on Tuesday night. He had Multiple Sclerosis.
Although we knew the end was coming, and we were able to say our good-byes during my visit, you are never prepared to lose someone you love.  I'm so glad I decided to push up my trip and had the time with him that I did.
I haven't been too energetic, and about the only thing I've been able to accomplish this week was moving Mr. P's Emporium into the new space at the Homestore. But though its been a hard time, I'm excited about the move.
My space before ...

I had been in an open space by the window, and although visibility was great, I found it hard to merchandise with few walls.

My space now

My new space is just to the right of my old location, and you see it when you look left after coming in the front door.  It's still right by the cash desk, and you can't miss it.

I was able to bring in some more larger pieces, along with some more primitive and painted smaller tables and decorative items.  And with all my wall space now, I'm able to merchandise up.

One of the things I love about having a booth is being able to work on the displays.  So putting the new space together was a happy time in an otherwise sad week. 

My cousin and I talked about my new business, and he said he was so glad I was doing something I loved.  I do love what I'm doing.

This week reminded me how life is about changes.  Some are exciting and welcome.  Some are not. But its the cycle we all live. 

I hope your weekend and coming week are filled with happy changes!



  1. Hello Deborah,
    So sorry to hear about your cousin, but to know that you got to spend some time with him. Your new space looks outstanding...I'm sure that you will love all that wall space. The shop that I am in is moving in July (they purchased a new building) and I am praying that I get a booth with three walls. What size is your new booth? I have a 10x10 now, but I want to go with something more like a 12x 10 or 15x 10. I see that you have a set of end tables that look a lot like some that I sold back in March:)


  2. It’s always a mixed blessing, Deborah. I’m sorry to hear of your cousins passing and happy you had that time with him. A move was probably just what you needed to make you stay active. The new space is much better and still has excellent visibility. I don’t see my favorite piece of the month ~ the hutch with chicken wire doors ~ did it sell at Lucketts or did you covet it as much as I and end up keeping it for your own?

  3. So sorry for your loss Deborah. Saying goodbye just never gets any easier. But I'm glad the two of you had some time together. ... And your space is looking great! I love the flood of light from the window!

  4. your space looks fabulous!
    and i am so sorry for your loss- no you never can be prepared.

  5. So sorry for your loss. I'm glad you have that last special trip filled with great memmories. Your new space looks great from the pics! If you used to have your space to the left of the cash wrap by the wall and the window, I still regret not buying a dresser you had last yr!!!!!

  6. I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. I am sending love and hugs. I think this new space will be a positive thing for you and I hope you enjoy playing with the displays. I think it looks wonderful! I'd love to shop there!

  7. Even when we know the end is coming, it still sucks when it gets here. I'm really sorry, Deborah.

  8. I'm sorry about your cousin, I know it must have been hard. However, your space looks great and I can see the love you put into it!

  9. sorry for your loss, challenging days-
    can you tell what place your booth is located?


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