
Monday, March 4, 2013

Moving Day

Hope you all had a good weekend, and that your week is off to a good start!
I moved into my new space for Mr. P's Emporium today.  And I don't mind telling you, I'm exhausted! 
I stayed up until 2 a.m. last night working on a piece I wanted to put in the new booth.  Then I got up at 6:3o a.m. to do the finishing touches.  I wouldn't have finished it at all if a friend hadn't come over yesterday and helped me for a few hours in the afternoon.
But of course I didn't get a photo!  I'll get one of it when I finish merchandising tomorrow and take photos to show you the new space.
In the meantime I wanted to show you the cute card my friend made me as part of the Mr. P's Emporium branding package.  I'll be using it as a hang tag, and for notes to put in my Etsy orders when I send them.
                                                           Front                                                            Back
It features the famous Mr. P! 
I--of course--think Mr. P is just adorable and love him in the top hat and bow tie.
Looking at that little face just makes me smile!
Hope you have lots of smiles in the week ahead!


  1. Hi Deborah, how are you? Good luck at your new place. I'd like to see it sometime. Been really busy with the baby. She turns 3 this month (will no longer be a baby). Good luck at Luckett's Fair in May. Maybe we can go see you, will ask Jerry.

    1. Hi Monica! Stop by the new space anytime. Just let me know when you're coming so I'll make sure to be there. Send me an email.


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