
Friday, March 1, 2013

A Frenchie Makeover

Let me just say this Frenchie desk was a pain in the derriere to redo! 
It took me way too long, and since I got carried away and spent too much for it in the first place at the auction, between that and the time and materials spent, I won't end up making any money on it.
But I do love it.
Here's the before.

First it needed a major cleaning because it was absolutely filthy.  Then when I sanded down the chipped areas, I found that it had been painted twice before.  Under the green paint was a bright blue-green.
For ease of painting, I took the hutch off the desk. I painted the outside of the entire piece in Annie Sloan's Chalk Paint in Paris Gray. It took three coats to cover the green. 

Inside the cabinet and the drawers I used ASCP in Old White. 


I tried distressing the piece, but neither the green or the shade of blue below the green looked good with the Paris Gray. I couldn't get to the wood using the wet sponge technique, and I didn't want to have to sand deeply since I was doing this in my dining room.

So I used glaze in the crevices to give it an aged look.

I painted the hardware in Old White, then wiped it off so the brass shows through.

I finished it with wax, then the doors went back on the hutch, the hutch went back on the desk, and voila, it was finally done!

From this ...

To this ...

Oo la la!

Sharing at: 
Miss Mustard Seed: Furniture Feature Friday
French Country Cottage: Featured Nest Friday
Elizabeth & Co: Be Inspired
Redoux: Link Party
Thrifty Decor Chick: March Before & After
The Farmhouse Porch: The Scoop
Le Chateau des Fleurs: Link Party



  1. beautiful!!!! i love that color- perfect on that piece!

  2. So much better! If you listen, I'll bet you can hear this piece breathe a little sigh of relief.

  3. Oh my gosh.. It's gorgeous! PLEASE take it to Lucketts so we can all admire it and of course someone lucky will take it home! Ou did a fabulous makeover on it for sure! - Susan

  4. That piece is absolutely gorgeous! What an awesome job you did on it.

  5. Hi there! This is SO beautiful! I read where you tried to distress it without much luck...I say it was wonderful luck! It's simply gorgeous the way it is. Congrats!


  6. I have quit buying furniture, however I think I would take this home if i found it

    the paint job is wonderful

  7. My first visit to your site; I came from French Country Cottage where she showed this lovely piece of workmanship you did on a lovely French desk. What is not to love about this piece? The style is quite appealing and I love this Anne Sloan colour. Every lady would desire to own such a piece of furniture...I know that I would. It is truly a 'masterpiece' and I applaud your workmanship.
    With fortitude,
    Sylvia Faye

  8. You might not make any money on this piece but it's so beautiful I'd never sell it!

  9. Thank-you so much for the nice comments! For those of you who are "no reply" commenters, I can't respond to you personally, but please know I really appreciate you stopping by and leaving a message!

  10. Oh I love this piece. I love to redo, and Annie Sloane's chalk paint is the best! Love love what you did with it!


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