
Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Tidings

We have much to be grateful about this Thanksgiving.

And although I'm having a mini pre-Thanksgiving breakdown I'm remembering that!
Tomorrow we will be driving down to Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, NC to meet our son who is coming back to the U.S. from his last deployment in Afghanistan.

We'll also be meeting his girlfriend for the first time "in person."  (We've met her via Skype and I've got to know her a bit through email.) 
She'll be flying in from California where she goes to college for his arrival, then we're all driving back home on Wednesday.

It's  seven-hour drive from here to Camp Lejeune, and he arrives at 7AM on Wednesday, so we have to leave tomorrow, spend the night in Jacksonville, and drive back home on Wednesday.

We have guests coming for Thanksgiving dinner.  And although I've been cleaning for the last two days, I'm not quite done, and I still have to go grocery shopping.

So like I said ... I'm a bit panicking a bit.
But it's worth it to be there when he arrives!

I hope you get to spend Thanksgiving with all of your loved ones.

Have a wonderful holiday!

- Deborah

(P.S. These are all scans of actual vintage Thanksgiving cards I've found.  Some are blank -- but I love reading the ones with messages from back in the day.  I'm such a snoop!)


  1. What a wonderful holiday for you and your family with your son being home. Enjoy and savor every second. I love the vintage cards today. Peace and Blessings, Nancy

  2. Vale la pena esas 7 horas por abrazar a un hijo. Seguro que todo sale estupendamente. no te agobies.Felices fiestas.

  3. Deborah, yours is the most heartwarming post ever. Thank you all for your son’s service. Peace.

  4. Hi Deborah, what a nice blog! We had an amazing time last night with you guys! Hug, Monica


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