
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanksgiving Crafts (And Hives & Steven Tyler ...)

Last week, I was stuck home with hives from an allergic reaction.  I was stuck at home because, a) the antihistamines made me too drowsy to feel like I was safe on the road, and b) the itching made it unacceptable for me to be out in polite society anyway: Someone might catch me scratching a totally embarrassing body part because I just couldn't stand it any more, or my twitching and crazed look from not scratching would make mothers clutch their small children to them and back slowly away from me before running for their lives.

Since I was stuck at home, I decided it was the perfect time to make some holiday crafts.  So there I was, making Christmas ornaments and--because I like to listen to books on CD when I'm doing projects--listening to Steven Tyler of Aerosmith's autobiography Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?  (Speaking of twitching and crazed looks.) 

Now crafts and Steven Tyler may seem incongruous, but actually not.  Steven's a creative guy.  I'm sure he's done a craft or two in his day.  Probably during one of his stints in rehab.

Anyway, as I'm making the ornaments and listening to the book it dawned on me that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I've never made any Thanksgiving crafts.  So right then and there I decided to throw some into the mix. 

That's just the kind of impetuous and wild gal I am!

First I made a couple of hangers using scans of some vintage postcards I was planning to sell at Mr. P's Emporium. 

These can go on doors or hooks or wherever your little heart desires.

Then I made them into Thanksgiving cards.

Once I was able to be out in public again I took them out to Mr. P's where I created a little Thanksgiving display.

A "Thanks" banner and the vintage postcards on an old frame.

A turkey basket with the cards and a little sign.

A glass turkey platter.

A "Give Thanks" pillow.

And some prime vintage turkey planters or bowls or candy dishes or vases or whatever you can come up with to use these guys for.  (They were originally made for flowers and plants.)

Now Mr. P's is ready for Thanksgiving.  I'm totally recovered.  And I know more about Steven Tyler than I ever knew I needed to know.

Life is good.

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No Minimalist Here: Open House Party
From My Front Porch to Yours: Treasure Hunt Thursday
The Brambleberry Cottage: Time Travel Thursday


  1. the vintage card hangers are so cute! and love the pillow!

  2. So glad you're feeling better Deborah - you looked great on Saturday, and I didn't see you itch once :) PS - great post, really made me smile 8}

  3. Life is very good indeed ~ your booth looks great!


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