
Friday, June 29, 2012

Latest Craigslist Bargains

Somehow, even though there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done I should be doing, I still find time to shop.

It's a phenomenon.


The reason behind my latest shopping ventures was to find things for the living room redo I'm about to start. But I kept finding great bargains that had nothing to do with my living room plans--and I couldn't let them go to waste! 

That would just be wrong.

So I also picked up a lot of things for Mr. P's Emporium. I'm planning on being in one or two sales this fall, so of course I need to get things to sell.  (We won't mention that I have a quite a few pieces already!) 

A friend of mine says I started Mr. P's as an excuse to hoard. I disagree, since I end up selling the things I find.  But I freely admit I started it as an excuse to shop. 

What can I say?  I'm just really, really good at it!

I hate to pass up a deal, and I've had a streak of good bargain-hunting luck this past month. Too many things to show on just one post! Since I know you love thrifty finds like I do, I'm going to share some today, but I also have some really unique finds I'm going to do a post about later.

I started out going to see these vintage sconces I found in a Craigslist ad.

I'm thinking of mounting them on a couple of old shutters I have, which are currently in my dining room.  $20 for the pair.

While I was there, I saw this enamel top table.  It used to be in the woman's parents' home, which she was clearing out. 

Both of the leaves work, and it has a cute red and white design.

Plus, it still has the drawer with the silverware separator inside.

I asked her how much she wanted for it, and she said $40.  Sold!  I don't really have to do anything with it, other than give it a good cleaning. Have you seen how much vintage enamel top tables are selling for?!!

Another Craigslist adventure that weekend netted these two maple end tables for $15 each. 

And this cute vintage corner table with an unfortunate iridescent paint job.

About a week later I answered a Craigslist ad for this coffee table for $25.  It's solid oak, and I'm going to paint it for my living room.

Turns out the seller and his wife were downsizing and moving to their vacation home, so they had some other things for sale.  I bought another item (so cool ... I can't wait to show you!).  Then he showed me this washstand for $30. 

It wouldn't fit in my car with the other items, so I said I'd come back later in the week to get it.  When I did, he told me that they hadn't realized what bad shape it was in.  Basically, the hardware is off of some of the drawers (but they had all of it), the door was off the hinges, and there was piece of wood that had been chipped off the door.  I had seen all of that, but still thought I was getting a good deal at $30--all of its issues were easy fixes, and it's oak, really well-made, and pretty big.  But they decided that $30 was too much, and gave it to me for free.

$30 was good, but I like free better!

Some other things I scored were these two windows I found at a barn sale.

This old bentwood rocker I found at Goodwill for $15.

And this console table I'm going to paint for a client.

Oh, and at the barn sale my friend found an adorable child-sized bentwood rocker, almost an exact replica of the one above!  I've never seen a child-sized one before.  She bought it for her grand daughter, and wants me to paint it.  I'll show it to you when it's done.  It adorable, and would look great with the big one (for mommy and daughter rocking sessions!). My husband is pretty enamored of the big one though,  so I think we may be keeping it.  It's really comfortable!

So I have plenty of projects to keep me busy--if I can find the time to do them between shopping trips that is!  Seriously, I have to cut myself off from Craigslist for a bit and focus on getting some things done so I can clear out some space in the garage.

I need the space for more finds! 

Hmmmm ... maybe my friend is right and I do have hoarding tendencies after all ...

Hope you all have a good weekend!

Sharing at:

Coastal Charm: Nifty Thrifty Tuesday


  1. Deborah - great finds!! Especially the washstand! I sold one to a dealer, in great condition, and she only paid me 40% on the dollar as I didn't know better 15 years ago - for $100 and thought I got taken just a tad! But, needed the room so off it went.

    You have some great pieces and I can't wait to see what you do with them all!


  2. DEBORAH.....

  3. Wow! Great finds! Can't wait to see what you do with them! Go luck on your room redo! - Susan


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