
Monday, June 25, 2012

Floors, Pet Adoption, Shoes & Other Random Stuff

Happy Monday!  We're back home after spending most of the week in a Residence Inn while our floors were being done.  I would have had no problem staying another week--someone else doing the cleaning and making the bed for me, a pool, and going out for dinner every night--it was like a mini-vacation!

We came home Friday to find a smelly house (varnish fumes), beautiful floors, and a fine covering of dust all over everything.  They used the "dustless" technique, but apparently the name lies.

Family Room.  I'm thinking the wall need a new paint color now.

However, from what I've heard it's a lot better than the alternative, and it caused me to do some belated spring cleaning:  washing all the windows, cleaning the floor vents, taking everything out of the drawers and cupboards, so I could wash everything and wipe down the inside of the drawers and the cupboard shelves.

Foyer The gate is to keep the dogs off of the new sofa that's in the living room--
I'm going to make it a no doggie zone!

You know, the kind of things you only do when you have company coming over--like the holidays or when you have house guests.

Or maybe that's just me.

Plus, there were no dust bunnies or dog hair in sight.  I just had to take a moment to enjoy the awe-inspiring vistas.

Dining Room

But, back to reality today with the furniture being moved back in and the dogs back home.

I took a break from my cleaning on Saturday to help coordinate an event for Best Friends Animal Sanctuary at Lord & Taylor.  It was a nation-wide adoption event in conjunction with Lord & Taylor and local adoption groups.  The group at my location was Friends of Homeless Animals. 

The event was part of Best Friends' "No More Homeless Pets"  initiative. 

Plus, Lord & Taylor had a shoe sale going on.  Two of my favorite things--shoes and animals!  How could I not be involved?

Take a photo of your favorite pair of sandals and your pet and you could win a
Lord & Taylor gift certificate. Click here to learn more..

We had 13 kittens and 5 dogs looking for their forever homes. The stories of the dogs were  heart-breaking, and the little kittys were so cute! 

My favorite - Rosco.  He loves to pose for the camera!

Rolo had a long, tiring day!

I would have taken them all if we had enough room and I thought my husband would have gone for it!

But I guess our 3 dogs and 3 cats is more than enough.  And now that these babies are with FOHA they're safe and happy until they find their new families.

The Friends of Homeless Animals' "Dog Squad." 

Plus, I can't keep up with the dog hair as it is!

(If you live in the Northern Virgina area and are interested in adopting a kitten or one of the dogs shown here, contact Friends of Homeless Animals.)

Lastly, I just want to say a big "Thank-You" to everyone who left a comment with suggestions about my dried brushes.  If you're ever in that boat (the paint-filled brushes had been left in plastic for two months because I was a space cadet, and were rock hard), you can use white vinegar or Murphy's Oil to save them. 

Who knew?  Well, obviously everyone who suggested it to me, but I was clueless and really appreciate the advice!

Have a great week--I have some great new finds I'll be showing you in a couple of days!


  1. What a neat event! Did any of the animals find homes? I see a few super cuties in that bunch.

  2. What a great thing you do! The last time we had to put are 18 year old cats down, we cried like babies, and sadly decided not to have any more animals. I know what everyone will say, and please don't as it is a very personal decision. We turn 60 this year, and while we are young and spry, if something happened to us, we don't want to worry about what might happen to our pets.

    Your floors look beautiful. And, there would have been so much dust, you'd have needed that hotel for much longer had they not used their dust free machine.

    Thank you for reporting back on your brushes! I've been waiting for you to let us know!



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