
Monday, April 2, 2012

Springing Up All Over!!

I waffle between spring and fall as my favorite season, but right about now it's spring!  The air is fresh.  The sky is cerulean blue, and spring's green shoots are sprouting up everywhere.

Around here you'll find spring both outside and--because you know I can't miss a seasonal decorating opportunity--inside!

Outside, our cherry tree is in blossom ...

The azalea buds are about to burst ...

The rhododendron buds are just starting ...

The wild dogwood are blooming in the woods ...

And the bleeding heart bush is already huge!

Inside, in addition to the spring mantel and foyer vignette I've already shown you, I've done some spring sprucing in the dining room:

On the side table I added egg cup candle holders and my put some hosta leaves in my milk glass bud vases.

I kept the dining table centerpiece simple with an egg candle wreath and a couple of daffodils in purple bottle vases.

On the other side of the room I just put another daffodil in a purple vase and a faux orchid plant (since there's not enough light there to keep my real one happy!) on the cabinet with my weather vane horse.

More flowers in the foyer -- a combo of cherry "sticks" as my husband calls them from Trader Joes (they don't look like they are ever going to actually bloom), and some clippings from our tree.

They are in one of the white art pottery vases from the '30s & '40s that I collect. 

Mostly simple touches in the living room.  Just some flowers on the coffee table, and I changed out the brown throw pillows for some green ones.

But in the corner of the living room I have my annual "Easter Tree."  I used to do a much more basic version when the boys were younger, but now I go a bit more elegant with spray painted white branches (left over from Christmas), a couple of eggs that could actually break (wouldn't chance that when they were horsing around!) and a silver urn.

This year I also added some lighted eggs inside the urn for a bit of glow.

There's a reason I'm not showing the family room or kitchen area -- there are painted pieces that are waiting for Lucketts shoved in the family room--and I'm not going to lie--the kitchen isn't exactly "spring fresh" looking at the moment!

Other than changing out the fresh flowers and taking down anything that says "Easter" after the holiday (not the bunnies though--they stay 'til the summer decor change!), this will probably be it for my spring decor.  I'd much rather be working outside than putzing around inside!

Sharing at:
French Country Cottage: Spring Link Party Blog Hop
My Romantic Home: Show & Tell Friday
You're Talking Too Much: Meet Me Monday
My Repurposed Life: Catch as Catch Can


  1. It all looks so pretty ! Awesome photos ! Our spring is slowy waking now after a heat wave then a cold snap now we are in to real spring weather and temps ! Have a great day !

  2. It all is beautiful--but really love that bouquet in the entry--gorgeous!

  3. LOVE those bunnies in the last picture, cause I LOVE spring!



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