
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Blue Bells and Horse Tales

I was planning on finishing up a project to show you today, but I went on a 5-hour, 10-mile ride yesterday ... mostly trotting. Can I just say--"Ow?"  It used to be that long of a ride wouldn't faze me, but that was before a fractured pelvis and tailbone, knee surgery, and disintegrating discs did a number on my body. And oh yeah, I'm a bit out of shape these days (a bit?). But it was a beautiful, sun-filled day in Bull Run National Park, and fields of Blue Bells were in bloom. 

Even Rusty was checking out the Blue Bells!

I may be in pain.  I may not have been able to get much done today. But I'd do it again tomorrow in a heartbeat!

Well ... maybe not tomorrow, but definitely in a couple of days!

Have a great weekend! 


  1. It's great to hear that you had such a great time on your ride! Blue Bells ... fantastic!!

  2. That sounds like a lovely day. I think what most non horse riders don't understand is that you use a lot of muscle to ride a horse. I miss riding and need to get back into it! Love the photos.

  3. Now, this is one thing I never did enjoy doing, even though my sis loves them and has been riding since childhood.

    Take it easy with all those problems!



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