
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Mantel

It's confirmed. I officially have spring fever.  The weather here in Northern VA has been incredible this week -- high 70's!  It's amazing what a little sunshine does for one's attitude!  Outside I've been doing garden clean-up; inside I pulled out my spring decor bin and have been doing some spring spiffing.

I usually start with my mantel, and today I'm showing you what I've done so far.  I decided to keep it pretty simple this year, and keep the color scheme natural.  I went with greens, neutrals, and pale pastels.

When I think of spring, I think of birds, flowers -- and of course, bunnies!  So those are the elements I added into the mantel.  I filled my big glass ginger jar with apples and eggs in greens and taupes, and plopped my green bunny next to it.

I love this little guy.

I buy something new every year for the season (just can't help myself, and hey, at least I limited it to one thing this year!), and this year it was this vintage-looking  Happy Easter sign.  It went in the middle in front of the mirrors.

In both corners of one of the mirrors I tucked in an old Easter postcard, each with a hand-crafted little pin.

I bought them at a flea market in California years ago.  One pin is a little angel, and one is a bunny.  The bunny's my favorite. The postcards were mailed, and have writing on the otherside.  I have a bunch of old sent postcards--I love the glimpses into the lives of people who received them.  I don't know what to do with them though, and I thought the way the flea market vendor used them to display her pins was really creative--so I just never took them off!

I added a couple of birds and birdhouses, and a little bottle I picked up from Michaels last year. 

Pretty cute for something like $2.99.  I saw they have them again this year -- I just might need another!

And of course, it isn't spring without tulips ...

I tucked in a strip of moss, and I need to add some more in the front, but this is it for now. 

I'm working on the rest of my spring spiffing, and I'll show you that soon! 

Sharing at:

You're Talking Too Much:  Meet Me Mondays
No Minimalist Here: Open House
Not Just a Housewife: Show Me What Ya Got
French Country Cottage: Feathered Nest Friday
My Romantic Home: Show & Tell Friday
It's Overflowing: Overflowing with Creativity
French Country Cottage: Spring Link Party Blog Hop


  1. Hi Deborah!

    This is adorable! That's what I can do with my old postcards and old vintage Easter jewelery! I have tons of old postcards from my grandmother and great-grandmother, my great grandmother's sister and her daughter, my Granny's cousin (who I loved dearly) named Madie! They are the sweetest cards, posted with 1/2 cent and 1 cent stamps. All are in prefect condition, with stamps, date stamps and writing all very well preserved as are the cards.

    Love your bunnies! They always remind me of the fun side of Easter.


  2. It all looks so lovely and fresh ! I just love spring nature just comes alive with so much to give ! Have a wonderful day !

  3. Very, very pretty! Thanks for sharing with us.



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