
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy First Day of Spring!!!!

It's officially here!  Woohoo!

We've been having 70 degree weather here in Northern Virginia--much warmer than normal.  Not that I'm complaining!  I've been taking advantage of it to get the garden beds cleaned up before the humidity hits and the mosquitoes come out to use me as their personal banquet table. Although I've mostly been working outside, I have done some spring sprucing inside, and today I'm showing you the latest vignette on the foyer table.

Okay, I can hear some of you now: "It's spring!  What's with the white?"  Because I love white.  I find it soothing and beautiful. And I have spring pastels in other places throughout the house, like the mantel that I've already shown you.  So don't have a conniption--I've got color, don't worry!

But white is seasonless.  It's peaceful.  Having it in the foyer sets a mood as soon as you walk in the front door.

White tulips are one of my favorite flowers.

The tin is a find from Home Goods.

I love all the different textures.

And of course I must have bunnies in any spring vignette--white or not!

I needed some peace and calm after the day I had yesterday.  I had to take two vet-phobic dogs in for check-ups. Actually Mosby's the really phobic one, but Angel picks up on his fear and decides she's afraid too.  So both of them decide they have to crawl in my lap while we're waiting for the doctor. Mosby weighs 40lbs. and Angel weighs 65. That's over 100lbs. of furry, quivering dogness fighting to get on my lap.  Did I mention they're overdue for their baths? Furry, quivering, smelly dogness. Panting and whining. It's really quite ridiculous.

Then when the vet comes in, Mosby turns into
a barking, growling vicious-sounding beast.  We've tried everything with him, including switching vets and locations.  He's actually fine during the exam (once I put a muzzle on him, just in case), but we go through this every time.  It's really stressful for all of us (luckily we have a great vet who deals with him very well).

Once we made it home after that ordeal I sat in front of my white vignette, focused on the beautiful white tulips and did some deep breathing exercises to bring myself to a state of serene well-being again ...

Okay, I totally didn't do that.  But I did glance at the vignette on my way to do something else, and I swear it made me calmer!

Happy Spring!

Sharing at:

Savvy Southern Style: Wow Us Wednesdays
Type A Decorating: Anything Goes
Elizabeth & Co: Be Inspired
French Country Cottage: Feathered Nest Friday
My Repurposed Life: Catch as Catch Can
My Romantic Home: Show & Tell Friday
It's Overflowing: Overflowing with Creativity


  1. I'm glad you made it through the vet visit. Nice to have this beautiful vignette to decompress. Love the script fruit.

  2. The vet scares ME! I can just imagine the poor furries :( Hey, I gave you a bloggy award :D I love your blog.

  3. Love your bunnies! Spring decor is always soo sweet.

  4. Very soft and pretty! I love all the white!

  5. Love those white tulips! Everything looks lovely!

  6. I love it! Happy Spring! You look like you're ready for the Easter Bunny, too!

    Blessings, Donna


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