
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Putzing around the Kitchen

I don't like to brag, but I am very, very good at putzing. I can, and have whiled away hours--even days--putzing around the house.  I could quite possibly be the putzing queen.

Now some people confuse putzing with tweaking, but they are very different.  Tweaking involves prior thought, and is more labor intensive.  For example, painting a wall or adding a rug or bringing new accessories into a room.  Putzing is more spur of the moment, and while it can be productive, it usually takes place when you're putting off doing something you really should be doing rather than putzing.

Anything can set off a putzing phase. In my case today it was an orchid plant. Inspired by my trip to the Orchid Show, I bought a little orchid at Safeway a couple of weeks ago.  It was originally in the living room, but not wanting it to meet the fate of its predecessors, I decided to move it to the kitchen which gets more light, thus increasing its chance of survival.

That's when the putzing started.  I should have been painting furniture today to keep my preparation for Lucketts on track. And that's what I planned to do.  But before I knew it I was putzing.

I put some faux apples in the basket because we ate all the real fruit and the basket looked lonely empty.

I polished the vintage canisters I've been meaning to polish.

I decided to put some insulators that I've had on Etsy in the window because they matched the "Gather" sign and I thought they'd be pretty catching the light.

I moved this bamboo area rug from my office into the kitchen because I thought the colors would go nicely with the cabinets and countertop.

I finally hung this little art piece a friend gave me for Christmas.  She knows me too well ...

I even dusted and turned spice bottles so that all of the labels are facing out where I can see them.

I was about to organize under the sink when I realized hours had gone by and I hadn't done any painting.  So I was on my way to get started when I realized -- I need to write a blog post! (Apparently for some reason today, I just wasn't feeling the painting!)

I have no finished project to show you, but I do have a putzed kitchen.  And tomorrow I'm going to get started painting bright and early!

Sharing at: Type A Decorating:  Anything Goes


  1. I guess that puts me in the putzing catagory as well ! I am retired and always putzing makes my days go by and I enjoy it lol ! Have a good day !

  2. Can I just say, "I'd much rather be putzing!" It sounds really rewarding to me...casually getting all those little things done that you just never have the time for. I am in awe of you!!!!

    This post was great...thanks!

  3. At least you had something to show for it. I have been known to spend half a day on something that seems important at the time, only to step back and wonder what I truly accomplished.

    No painting today here ... pruning is the name of the game.

  4. love the apple basket and your island, you have a beautiful home.

  5. You have a lot to show for your putzing...I've been on the computer far too long and you know there's nothing to show. :-)

    Painting will work tomorrow!



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