
Monday, March 5, 2012


My bad battery mojo turned into just plain old bad mojo yesterday because I ended up coming down with the flu and couldn't finish the table. (I blame the weather around here lately-- it's 70 degrees one day; snowing a few days later!). But the hardware is now on and I can finally show you which one I went with: 

As you can see I ended up going with the "Pull" knob.  I did go back and forth, precisely for the reasons those who suggested the crystal pull stated--it would give it a bit of shine and a touch of elegance. I loved Stacey Anne from Rendition Road's analogy of the table looking like a well-worn tuxedo with stories to tell!

But in the end I decided to go with the majority's choice of the "Pull" knob. I like the touch of whimsy, and its graphic quality.

I'm really happy with how it turned out.



Thanks for all your input!  


  1. yay! that was the one i liked! :) i think it looks adorable!

  2. It wasn't my first choice, but it looks great! Funny, we always make the right decisions for ourselves we stop second guessing ourselves!

    Really nice!



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