
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Table Makeovers & Opinions Needed!

I've been working on some side and end tables I've had in my project stash for awhile.  Since I have quite a few, I decided to have fun with them and try a variety of different paint styles.  I'm going to show you the first two today, but I need your help in finishing one up!

The first table is a sweet little gate-leg end table that used to belong to my mom.  I painted it white a few years ago, so I decided to use that as my base coat. 

Sorry for the poor light quality of the "before" photos--they were taken in our basement, which is where I'm now painting.  It's our cats' private domain (the dogs aren't allowed down there), so you may notice kitty paraphernalia in some of the upcoming photos!

On both of the tables I'm going to show you, I used Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. On this table I went with my standard French shabby look, and put two coats of Paris Grey over the white, followed by clear wax.

I did something a bit different this time in that I used steel wool on the top, and coarse sandpaper on the base and legs to distress it.  I usually use a fine or medium sanding block and just do a light distress. 

Here's the finished piece.

I love the worn look the steel wool gave the top of the table.

And the chippy look of the legs and table base with lots of the original white paint showing through.

This next piece I picked up at a garage sale for $5.  It's from around the early 1960's. 

If you look closely you can see Louie and Mikey are quite interested in what's going on!

I painted the top and legs with ASCP in Graphite, and the sides, feet, shelf and drawer in Old White.  After a coat of clear wax had set, I gave it a distressing with my handy sanding block.  Then I did put clear and dark wax on the areas where I had painted it with Graphite.  I left the Old White areas with just a coat of clear.

And here it is.

As you can see though, it's missing hardware on the drawer.  That's where I need your help.  I didn't want to use the original hardware because I didn't think it fit the new look. But I can't make my mind up about what to replace it with!

I have these two choices on hand:

I also saw this pull in an online hunt and am thinking about ordering it. 

I think the black swirl on white might be a nice touch.  But the "Pull" knob is kind of cool too, while the crystal pull gives it a whole different vibe.

Help! What do you think?

Sharing at:
Savvy Southern Style: Wow Us Wednesdays
Primitive & Proper: Piece of Work Wednesdays
Elizabeth & Co.: Be Inspired
It' Overflowing: Overflowing with Creativity
The Shabby Creek: Transformation Thursday
French Country Cottage: Feathered Nest Friday


  1. love the gray table! and i like the pull knob better i think.

  2. I really like the pull knob with the black and white combo. It's very graphic and bold. Great work.

  3. I love the crystal pull! With it's black & white colors, the skinny, pointed feet, & very light distressing it almost reminds me of a tuxedo. Albeit, one that has seen a few years and has some stories to tell. I think the crystal adds to that look finishing it off in a more regal way. With that being said; I also like the 'pull' knob because it adds a touch of whimsy to an adorable table & gives it a punch of bold. Two completely different looks. When I get stuck, I usually decide based on the other items in the room it'll be in. Good luck, but either way you go it already looks wonderful!

  4. I like the pull knob. Cool table. Nice job, Dee

  5. Either of the ones you have on hand will be good, though I lean toward the crystal handle ... oooh, shiny, as my husband would say to mock me. I love how you did the top and legs one color, and the rest of the piece another.

  6. love what you did with both tables! i really like the PULL knob. :o)

  7. Your table makovers are fantastic. Love what you did.

  8. Both table turned out just lovely! Thanks for the steel wool tip.... I might give that a try! Oh... and I like the crystal pull.

    1. Oh Wow Looks great !
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  9. To those of you whom I can't respond to directly because you don't have an email associated with your profile--thanks so much for your input! I'll post the totally finished piece tomorrow or Saturday to show which one I went with!

  10. Well, responded to late but I like the last pull. Dresses it up a bit. What surprised me about this table is that my mother has an entire bedroom suite of it. Two nightstands, Pineapple four poster double bed, double dresser with a mirror, a huge 5'x 6' secretary/dresser and a 5' hope chest. I've never seen another piece like it! All I know is my Father bought it as a wedding gift to her 62 years ago! And, believe it or not, it is still in mint condition!

    What you have done was show how her bland, out of date suite could have new life to it with some color and pulls!

    Thanks for sharing!

  11. Your tables are beautiful, love the finishes! And I agree, the pull knob is fun and unexpected! Thanks so much for linking up with us!


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